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The good thing about always being late is that it makes for great exercise when done "manually". So for the last two weeks I've been cycling to and from work 13-15 km (8-9 miles), a bit over half an hour each way on bumpy forest roads on an average joe 7 gear (well, plain jane, really). So that's about an hour of working my legs plus bonus cardio each day.
And today I did 5 reps of 130 kg deadlifts, followed by 2 reps with 140 kg (308 pounds) at 84 kg myself (and a good 5kg too many, checking my diet too). No PR or incredibly insane, and I really am not looking to brag, but I'm still pretty stoked as it's been a while since I've done any serious lifting. Hurray for inverted grip (only on the high end, though - got to consider grip strength). I combined it with lower weights and high reps for good measure, of course.
Also, I've added back and front squats to the curriculum. Back on the horse and whatnot, with the big four.
The sad bit is that with evening shifts exclusively, I've had to cut out my two sessions of baji(quan) with the local association. I'll have to fly solo on that for a bit in the mornings, I guess. Too bad, because instruction, formal and informal, has been invaluable.