Sounds like a very healthy lunch :D
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Cutting it razor thin here eh! No work outs for me. Once upon a time I did. Had over 1000 pounds of iron, two Olympic sets, big bench and a squat chamber. At that time in my history I could squat 200 pounds for fifteen reps. Now I can't even get out of a squat without help. My progress is regression. Osteoarthritis. I played with many different routines, but settled on circuit, three sets non-stop. I also would stay with basic big muscles, squat, press, row, curl. I think that was it. I just sold everything this past summer for $400.
My girlfriend is starting to run on the treadmill she has. Previously used for walking but I convinced her that neither her nor the treadmill would break if she ran on it. :)
This morning's ride was 34km with the same group I normally ride with on Friday's.
Wednesday's are normally hard and fast with a nasty 500m hill thrown in. They managed to keep the pace sensible and fortunately I managed to hang in there, although it was touch and go on that hill.
Dead lift 150, 160, 170, 180 x 5
Standing bent over barbell rows 70 x8 x4
Bench bent over db rows 30 x8 x4
Wide grip pull down 50 x 8 x4 done at double speed(sets not reps)
Made reps on bent over db rows.
Not everyone my age has crappy genes, and I don't mean blue, or do I.
Ran the lower bowl at the stadium this morning, 10k run later today.
-3x12 Barbell Curls
-3x12 Skullcrushers
-3x10 Squats
-3x10 Pulldowns
-3x10 Incline Dumbbell Press
-3x12 Weighted Calf Raises
Don't you hate it when some guy in the gym is doing deadlifts in the benchpress rack, with every plate in the gym?
I took a break from the gym to take some swings today! I felt a little rusty at first- I hadn't swung a bat in several months- but it felt nice to be out there and it came back fast.
A 22km Singlespeed ride this morning including a couple of hills.
I've been trying to calibrate my Cateye Speedometer to my GPS and am not having too much luck. After last weekend's long ride I worked out the difference between the 2 was 1.78% (the Cateye over-read), so I adjusted the Cateye by decreasing the wheel size. Logic telling me that by decreasing the wheel size, the circumference of the wheel would take "longer" for a revolution thereby decreasing the mileage. On this morning's test, the difference was 3% (the Cateye under-read), which meant that my original logic was cocked up and that I should have increased the wheel size. So, I guess I'll have to play around some more still.
A nice gentle 30km ride with the normal Friday crew.
Tomorrow I'm taking my singlespeed (32/19) to the nature reserve to get in some last minute hillwork. Going to battle on the flats and downhills with that ratio but that's not the point of the ride. I'll also be able to check out the Cateye's calibration again.
Back squat 90, 100, 110, 120 x 8
Straight leg deads 70, 70, 80, 90 x 8
Leg extensions 40, 45, 50, 55x 8
Single leg curls 20, 20, 20, 20, x 8
Parallel bar dips x8 x 4
Skull crushers 30kg x8 x4
Pushdowns 40, 45, 50, 55 x 8
Modified biceps workout to work around sore wrist
Dumbell hammer curl 20kg x 8 x4
Dumbell reverse curls 12.5kg x 8 x4
Made reps on leg extensions, leg curls, dips, skull crushers and push downs again this week.Will up weight on these next week.
10km this morning. 3km pre, 4km hills, 3km post.
I did a two mile run at the track this afternoon. The lack of shade was noticed.
We are under water here! I was alone in the gym, which is nice but kind of depressing too...
Bench 5x 10
Skull crushers 3 x 10 with a final burn out set
Military press 3 x 10 with a burn out set
Planks 2 x 90 seconds
Had a good 57km ride at the Nature Reserve this morning. Saw plenty of wildlife but a little too far away to take worthwhile pictures.
And I forgot the Cateye at home, so couldn't do a speedometer/gps comparison. Will have to do one tomorrow.
An easy 40km ride on my CX bike this morning.
Added more weight to the bar, thats enough exercise for this morning , coffee brake:needcoffee:, will lift several times when I finish waking up.
I finished sorting my bike out this afternoon for my race.
Changed the rear cog to a 20, topped up the tyres with Joes anti-puncture sealant and also put in new brakepads.
Bike is now race-ready.
2.5 mile trail run this evening.
Thug, good luck on your race.
For anyone that's interested, here is a link to the .kmz file that will overlay the route onto Google Earth together with some of the key navigational pointers.
I can't upload the .kmz file directly so it's linked to my dropbox.
Just a 13km ride this morning around my area with some nice climbing on the singlespeed.
The Cateye speedo is still overreading :thinking:
Distance per GPS (Strava) - 13.1km, distance per Cateye 13.38. That's an almost 300m difference in 13km which equates to 2%! Grrrrr...
Upped weight for both bench press and flyes. Both up 2.5kg.
Db bench press 25, 30, 35, 40kg x8
Db incline press 27.5kg x8 x4
Db decline press 27.5kg x8 x4
Db flyes 17.5kg x8 x4
Shoulder press 50kg x8 x4
Front lat raise 12.5kg x8 x4
Side lat raise 12.5kg x8 x4
Bent forward db reverse flyes 10kg x8 x4
Barbell shrugs 130kg x8 x4
Made reps on incline, decline presses and shrugs. That is 2 weeks of making reps on incline and decline presses so will up weight next week.
Rest day Saturday.
16km LSD on Sunday.
Monday 600 rep challenge, 29 minutes; 100 push ups, 100 situps, 50 burpees, 100 split lunge jumps, 50 tricep dips, 100 jumping jacks, 50 Hoisty's, 50 partnered crawl/bridge/jump things(we call it a Boyan).
Monday afternoon, 5km at near race pace 4:59/km.
Tuesday, 8km easy run. May go to the gym at lunch for some core and stretch.
-Flat Benchpress
-Standing Dumbbell Curls
-Overhead Press
-Leg Extensions
-Barbell Shrugs
Any of you guys Over 60? I get plenty of exercise just cleaning up the house after my semi invalid little woman makes a heck of a mess, but when feeling sparky I have a full set of every universal gym there is I think, all free from folks who bought them and gave up the body tuning and thus gave them away or hauled to the dump. Some of my grinding and buffing equipment is made from treadmill motors, shafts and bearings.
Now you take an old guy like me with replaced knees and other parts, the exercise takes on new meaning to no pain no gain, becomes lots of pain and some if little gain, but ya have to smile and keep after it or lose "IT". I like it when young ladies hit on me and say No way are you 60.
Dead lift 150, 160, 170, 180 x 5
Standing bent over barbell rows 70 x8 x4
Bench bent over db rows 30 x8 x4
Wide grip pull down 50 x 8 x4 done at double speed(sets not reps)
Made reps on bent over db rows again so up the weight next week
30 mins of stadium stairs this morning for Global Running Day.
Get all ready to lift... Than joints inform me we're takinf anther day to recover.
Three mile trail run this evening.
Two hundred mile motorcycle ride and an hour and a half in the universal gym area doing double sets and 300 situps. Working on my core and back trying to recover from surgery and infection that took 3 clean outs to get it right, such is life.