My current set-up is one 2" Russian leather strop with linen back that came with my original starter kit. I've pasted the linen side with Dovo white / grey paste...there is some debate as to what it actually does, but it is slightly abrasive and can be used everyday. I've noticed an improvement in my razors with the Dovo white paste.

I have another 3" strop from SRD with the webbing on the back, I don't touch this strop with any paste's or oils. Same with my Russian strop, simply hand rub them everyday, the oils in your skin naturally conditions the strop.

In terms of CroX, simply purchased an already pasted balsa board, that I bring out now and then to refresh a razor.

If the balsa won't do it anymore, after a lesson with a honemeister, I take my coticule, give it some water, and do 15-20 laps each side with the blade, then to the balsa board, then to the linen w/paste, then to the strop.

Like new again!