Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
Been str8 shaving for a month now and it seems that after about 3-4 shaves my razor starts tugging. i've been able to refresh it with CrOx on a felt pad but it doesn't seem to last. I'm using a home made strop with leather and denim. I know my stropping isn't expert yet but i'm wondering what i should try next. Don't have a lot of money to spend so i don't want to be buying something needlessly.
Gssixgun posted this in another thread, made me chuckle, very perceptive:

The Straight Razor Phenomena:

The newer a person is to this hobby,

The tougher their beard is
The duller their blade is
The weaker their edge is
The floppier their brush is
The harder their water is
The more cupped their strop is
Heck even their Aftershave stings more..

It always amazes me how these thing all seem to get better with time.

Thanks Glen!