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  1. #11
    Senior Member phunni's Avatar
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    I'm sure (having bought stuff from him before) that Larry is great value, but I want to avoid buying from the US as postage costs are higher and there is also (from experience) a much greater chance of things getting lost/damaged in transit.

    I've just been through all of the sites associated with the invisible edge and can confirm they do not do 0.5 paste. The reason I particularly want 0.5 is simply due to what is on the wiki here in the "Basic advice on grit size alone" section. It seems from there that .5 and then perhaps 1 are good grits to have.

  2. #12
    Senior Member phunni's Avatar
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    It looks like strop-shop might be my only hope - if and when they get 0.5 in stock. Although I can't believe there's no one else in the EU who sells 0.5 micron!

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Im sure stropshop will get some in. You can email neil from his site and he will let you know if and when. I guess that grit sizes are quite subjective and different pastes/sprays from different manufactures will have various results, again leather or balsa etc will have an impact on pastes or sprays. I use the thiers issard cro ox on a double sided leather paddle strop and I find that I get a nice smooth shave from it whatever the grit rating.
    Good luck on your find!

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Try Taylors 1000 or Uk merchant on Ebay. Im not sure but I think Larry uses the kremmer pigment too from what I read some where. There wont be much difference between the .5 and .3 crox though. Just do a few extra laps to make up for the different size and the razor should be even more refined than the .5
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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