I use a 3" English Bridal from Classic edge, it was quite light I felt but in fairness didn't have anything to compare it with.

I have sanded it a few times to get rid of my learner nicks and have rubbed in a mixture of neetsfoot oil and glycerin. The glycerin slowed it down a lot and I prefer it so I guess I would have to say that I am a heavy draw sort of guy. I bought the neetsfoot/glycerin mixture from DVW with some 3" wide linen and it works really well.

I 100% agree with JBHoren, my strop is much slower now so I can control my stropping. The reason I started to cut my strop again recently after learning not to months ago is that I got faster and faster which may work well for the really experienced guys here but for me slowish and deliberate is the way to go.