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  1. #11
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McWolf1969 View Post
    That looks like a cool item to add to your collection Lynn...and as another member pointed could be something to copy and market.
    Too fun!


    We may have our leather guy look at us and let us know what might be available. The little leather case might be a problem though. We'll see.


  2. #12
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    We may have our leather guy look at us and let us know what might be available. The little leather case might be a problem though. We'll see.

    That's an awesome find, Lynn! Wow! Looks to be in like-new condition, too!

    Packaging is always the worst part; nice boxes require a lot more craftsmanship than people are willing to pay for, and even a cheap box in a custom size is expensive to have produced...

    That said, I think even without the nice leather box this could be a great item. You could maybe even have them sold in a cloth or leather pouch... I know I'd want one...

  3. #13
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    Molded plastic would work well for the case. That's a way cool strop. It may be older than you think.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  4. #14
    New Collector wireless00's Avatar
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    Default Auto Strop


    I know that this post was kind of old, but it reminded me of a strop that I saw over the weekend. It was marked as a Pearless or Peerless Auto Strop dated May of 1912. It had a roller system that you hung and the leather was almost folded in two. There was a place to stick your SR and then you would grasp each handle (on the ends of the leather) and pull one side and then the other. Kind of interesting. Not sure how well it worked.

    I seached the internet for it, but came up empty. Just thought that I'd share that with you.

    Take care.

  5. #15
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    Holy thread resurrection, Batman! O.O

    Anyway, I found this thread trying to dig up info on an old travel grooming/shaving box I've acquired. Along with a few other things it has a wee baby strop that looks just like this one.
    There's no hallmarks on any of the "silver"ware, the toothbrush or the glass bottle. The razor is a Joseph Allen & Sons NON-XLL, round point full hollow ground (un/barely used as far as I can tell but in need of some love on the hones) but I'm not sure it's an original part of the set.
    Can anybody shed any light on this stuff?

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