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  1. #11
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    When I use my 2.5 inch wide strops, I alternate stropping patterns. When I use 2 inch wide strops, I alternate patterns. I use some straight, and some X patterns. When using these strops as above, I really don't seem much difference in effectiveness or ease of use because of the difference in width. So, I don't think a strop that is 3 inches wide would do more than waste a little leather.

    And, then there is the added possibility of cupping, as mentioned.

  2. #12
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    I have yet to run into a blade over 3"

  3. #13
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    I would try to go with 3 inch shell cordovan at 24 inches long. You won't find better performing leather. A place called Horween in Chicago sells it.

  4. #14
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferroburak View Post
    Ok I see. Such a strop would need to be stretched with excessive force if it's thick. But if it's thin (cordovan type) maybe stretching would work.

    No, stretching will cause or worsen cupping especially if the leather is not cut along the spine.
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  5. #15
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    I got my leather from my local Tandy Leather store. got the 2.5" width, because 3" cost a good bit more, and I don't really see the point of having a strop the same size as my blades. If you follow proper stropping form, and have the blade at ~45 degree angle a 3" blade will easily fit on a 2.5" strop. That and you don't have to worry about as much cupping as with a wider piece of leather.

    Tandy has all the good hardware you would need to make a strop as well.

    There's a few threads floating around on the subject if you search

    Good luck!

  6. #16
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    I got my leather from my local Tandy Leather store. got the 2.5" width, because 3" cost a good bit more, and I don't really see the point of having a strop the same size as my blades. If you follow proper stropping form, and have the blade at ~45 degree angle a 3" blade will easily fit on a 2.5" strop. That and you don't have to worry about as much cupping as with a wider piece of leather.

    Tandy has all the good hardware you would need to make a strop as well.

    There's a few threads floating around on the subject if you search

    Good luck!
    Yea, if you're looking for a cheap strop, there are many options at Tandy that work totally fine IMO. I looked in their scrap leather bin and found a bunch of decent stuff for strops back when I was first starting out. They weren't perfect strops, but they definitely improved my razor's edge compared to no stropping.
    I'd give the 2.5 inch strops a try, because I used to think I wanted a super wide strop and now I prefer the narrower strops. YMMV

  7. #17
    JMS is offline
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    4in. x 30in. ? You must be a really big man with a really big razor. If not then 2 1/2 x 24 ought to suit you fine...3 in. width would be the maximum I would go

  8. #18
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    4'' is ridiculous. In fact it would hinder stropping for me, adding weight. I'm not a fan of 3'' either and like a 2.5'' best. Certainly 3'' is very popular here and I remember it scoring highly on a favourite stropping width poll.

    There would never be a need to exceed this dimension and the costs would far outweigh any benefits; the only one I can think of would be on a razor over 3'' which is quite rare, and to me would not be beneficial anway as I favour a traditional X stroke.

    Spend the additional cost on a quality strop or another razor and don't exceed 3''. There's a reason you don't see 4'' strops here.

  9. #19
    zib is offline
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    I think 3" is fine, I wouldn't go any wider than that...
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