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Thread: In need of some strop practice advice...

  1. #1
    Best Styptic Penmenship BAR NONE porridgeorange's Avatar
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    Default In need of some strop practice advice...

    So I've got a couple months worth of shaving under my belt and the shaves have been for the most part very good and improving. I rotate a 3-4 razors and only shave every 2-3 days. I have found that I'm having trouble keeping my razors sharp for more than 3 shaves or so and have the inkling that my stropping is the issue. I've got a little Dovo strop, a vintage Manark strop and an SRD modular (pretty much my go to now). I've watch a few videos (thanks hi_bud_gl and AFDavis11) and noticed that my wrist probably moves way more than it should. So I got a dulled out Clauss that I bought from ebay to clean up and just practice flipping it between my finger and thumb without moving my wrist. I hope this will help! I was just wondering if anyone had any other ideas on how I could practice stropping in between shaves without doing too much damage to my strops of razors.

  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    I think you are doing exactly as you should. Watch those videos and practice!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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  4. #3
    Member Haakon's Avatar
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    I'm a novice too and was having a similar issue. Eventually, I figured it out and my problem was, I was holding the strop too tight and was putting too much pressure on the blade. Now, I hold the strop just tight enough to keep it straight, I slowed down a lot (too many movies, I think!), and I only put enough pressure on the blade to keep positive contact - so not much more than the weight of the razor.

    Good luck!

    Maxi likes this.

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  6. #4
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    Those two (2) videos you mention (hi_bud_gl & AFDavies11) are probably the best I have ever seen on the subject of stropping.

    As I use a paddle strop exclusively these days, I have set myself the goal of becoming as accomplished as Mr Davies - I might get there in a century or two

    I have noticed myself, that very small changes in hand position etc can make a huge difference in the quality of the stropping.

    About 18 months ago, I was really in the doldrums stropping wise - I got some advice from Mr Neil Miller, and then saw hi_bud_gls' video tutorial and I noticed that over time I had been my finger/thumb position had moved about 1/4 " on the tang. I put my finger/thimb back to where there were 'originally' and my stropping was back to good - it was like Magic. 1/4 " finger position made all the difference between good and crap stropping !!

    Good luck !

    Have fun !

    Best regards

    Last edited by PhatMan; 04-26-2011 at 07:13 AM.

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  8. #5
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    best advice i can give you is light pressure, keep the strop tense and dont worry about speed just master the turning of the razor first and then work on doning it in a timly manner,

    try using a butter knife to get the feel of turning the (razor) a few dozen times so you have a feel for what you are doing so you dont nick your strop up.

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  10. #6
    ace is offline
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    I've found laying the strop flat on some books and treating it like a paddle strop eliminates some complicating variables. In fact, I've learned to enjoy stropping while sitting so much, I've reverted to using a paddle strop for most of my stropping. It's simpler to do, less chance of making mistakes, and easier to repeat with precision. I may not look like a Barber when I strop, but at least I can shave like one.

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  12. #7
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by porridgeorange View Post
    So I've got a couple months worth of shaving under my belt and the shaves have been for the most part very good and improving. I rotate a 3-4 razors and only shave every 2-3 days. I have found that I'm having trouble keeping my razors sharp for more than 3 shaves or so and have the inkling that my stropping is the issue. I've got a little Dovo strop, a vintage Manark strop and an SRD modular (pretty much my go to now). I've watch a few videos (thanks hi_bud_gl and AFDavis11) and noticed that my wrist probably moves way more than it should. So I got a dulled out Clauss that I bought from ebay to clean up and just practice flipping it between my finger and thumb without moving my wrist. I hope this will help! I was just wondering if anyone had any other ideas on how I could practice stropping in between shaves without doing too much damage to my strops of razors.

    I definitely think that you're on the correct track. Keep practicing your flip, and maintain positive edge contact on both your push and pull passes. You'll be there in no time!

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Maxi For This Useful Post:

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