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Thread: x-pattern stropping conjecture

  1. #11
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to AFDavis11 For This Useful Post:

    MikeMN (04-28-2011)

  3. #12
    Just starting out MikeMN's Avatar
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    Thanks AFDavis11! That was a very interesting article to read. I loved the last sentence: "A barber's razor made fifty years or more ago constantly reminded its owner on this point, for neatly etched on the side of the blad were the words: 'You lather well and I'll shave well.'"

    I also thought the following was interesting: "As the photographs of highly magnified razor edges show, the first and most important step is to keep the cutting edge clean and well oiled or greased when not in use."

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