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Thread: Base for stropping, what do you use, and why?

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  1. #1
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Default Base for stropping, what do you use, and why?

    Contemplating adding a pasted strop to the arsenal, and reading up on it.

    I see people using CroX on linen, CBN on leather, Diamond spray on felt...

    Tell me oh wise men of the cloth (and/or leathers)...

    What have been your favorite bases for your pastes, and what made that choice superior to the others?

  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    By far, the felts with either chromium oxide, diamond or cbn sprays.

    Have fun

  3. #3
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    I use .25 and .125 diamond spray on felt and it works great but I may have to rethink my use felt after my conversation with Ed to the meet on Sunday. He told me that felt has some type of recoil or spring effect at the end of each pass which launches the dried diamond spray up in the air and and makes it easy to breath in. After 10-15 razors you could be breathing in considerable amounts of this stuff, this is why he uses light weight balsa. I never thought of that, I'm doing 3-4 sometimes 5 razors at a time so I see some balsa in my future,
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bayamontate View Post
    felt has some type of recoil or spring effect at the end of each pass which launches the dried diamond spray up in the air and and makes it easy to breath in. After 10-15 razors you could be breathing in considerable amounts of this stuff,
    I'm reading this and with all due respect .... first of all, the average guy .... I think I am one of those .... isn't honing/stropping 15 razors at a time. I usually hone one, maybe 2 at a time. Then there is the felt .... I have chrom-ox on felt on a flatbed hone. I've never seen any green stuff 'recoil' at the end of the stroke. I've got diamond paste on leather in 3 grits on flatbeds and never yet seen any residue in the air. Diamond spray (0.5) on an SRD hanging felt and again .... no recoil of diamonds. Of course, like the average guy, I'm using minimal pressure blade to stropping surfaces. YMMV.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I'm reading this and with all due respect .... first of all, the average guy .... I think I am one of those .... isn't honing/stropping 15 razors at a time. I usually hone one, maybe 2 at a time. Then there is the felt .... I have chrom-ox on felt on a flatbed hone. I've never seen any green stuff 'recoil' at the end of the stroke. I've got diamond paste on leather in 3 grits on flatbeds and never yet seen any residue in the air. Diamond spray (0.5) on an SRD hanging felt and again .... no recoil of diamonds. Of course, like the average guy, I'm using minimal pressure blade to stropping surfaces. YMMV.
    Agreed, I don't see 2 or 3 razors being a problem but there are instances where I will do 10-15 razors in one sitting. I did 8 razors on Sunday at the meet. I've never seen anything come off the my felt bench strops but that stuff is so fine it could there and I wouldnt see it. When Ed bought it to my attention it did make sense.

    With all the stuff in the air, what's one more comtaminant anyway.

  6. #6
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bayamontate View Post
    Agreed, I don't see 2 or 3 razors being a problem but there are instances where I will do 10-15 razors in one sitting. I did 8 razors on Sunday at the meet. I've never seen anything come off the my felt bench strops but that stuff is so fine it could there and I wouldnt see it. When Ed bought it to my attention it did make sense.

    With all the stuff in the air, what's one more comtaminant anyway.

    If your really concerned, you could wear a dust mask, The 3M N95 Model 8210 are very effective. They have a 95% filtration rate, probably available at Home Depot or Lowes by the paint and sandpaper.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bayamontate View Post
    I use .25 and .125 diamond spray on felt and it works great but I may have to rethink my use felt after my conversation with Ed to the meet on Sunday. He told me that felt has some type of recoil or spring effect at the end of each pass which launches the dried diamond spray up in the air and and makes it easy to breath in. After 10-15 razors you could be breathing in considerable amounts of this stuff, this is why he uses light weight balsa. I never thought of that, I'm doing 3-4 sometimes 5 razors at a time so I see some balsa in my future,
    The tendancy is to use to much of these sprays and potions,use it properly, you will not see this stuff flying in the air.
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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    It actually clears the sinuses ....... when used properly ..... don't snort too much .....

  10. #9
    Silky Smooth
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    Aluminum oxide, Simichrome or Flitz polish on cardboard or a piece of leather, perhaps glued on with some Barge Cement onto a piece of wood. Why? Because it's cheap, effective and available at the corner hardware store.
    Last edited by JeffR; 08-31-2012 at 05:13 AM. Reason: fix typo

  11. #10
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Default Base for stropping, what do you use, and why?

    Quote Originally Posted by JeffR View Post
    Aluminum oxide, Simichrome or Flitz polish on cardboard or a piece of leather, perhaps glued on with some Barge Cement onto a piece of wood. Why? Because it's cheap, effective and available at the corner hardware store.
    A Hobo Strop!
    JeffR and Double0757 like this.

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