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Thread: Different Draws

  1. #21
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    i just prefer light slick draw

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  3. #22
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    I was just repeating what Mr. Simon told me. Whether or not he was correct or accurate, I don't know. Because of his involvement with IRS Co, I believe he is credible.
    I'm just going by what I remember back in the 1950s going into barber shops.

    It was a long time ago and I didn't give a rats butt about shaving and straights then of course but to this day I remember the razors sitting in the barbercide jar and the strops on the chair and watching the barber shave guys and strop their razors and the smells of the shops. It was like it was yesterday.
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  4. #23
    zib is offline
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    Lately, I've been using the Horsehide strops. Very slick, no draw at all. It is personal preference.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheffieldlover View Post
    I don't know if this applies, but I think a big, full wedge grind likes a bit of slack in the strop, while a full hollow likes a taught strop
    Yes, I've found that to be true, especially for a big ol' Sheffield Wedge
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    The reality of Draw is: it means nothing,nada,zip,nothing but a feeling that has zero effect on an edge.
    Out of curiosity, what are you basing that statement upon?
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  7. #26
    "We are the knights who say, "nee!" Yochatman's Avatar
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    Draw does make a big difference, I actually went to Tandy Leather and felt about 10 different leather pieces, decided on one particular Veg Tanned Natural Double Shoulder and made myself and my friends new 2", 2 1/2", and 3" strop pieces. I removed my nicked Fromm Latigo and really enjoy shaves from all my razors more now.

    I did also get some suede leather and pasted it to handmade paddles to apply different pastes. It's actually quite fun, and you get the experience with the leather. One of the really fun parts for me was just working with the leather and playing around. It's been too many years since I got to do that as a boy scout out in Wyoming.

    The draw is a personal thing, and when I want more draw I add more skin oil to the strop, palm of hand, nose(if necessary). If I want less draw I use my other strop and only give it a little rub down!

    I find that there isn't a lot of difference for me as to the grind, just the feel. And yes, you can strop a lot faster on a strop with less draw!
    roughkype likes this.
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  8. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm just going by what I remember back in the 1950s going into barber shops.

    It was a long time ago and I didn't give a rats butt about shaving and straights then of course but to this day I remember the razors sitting in the barbercide jar and the strops on the chair and watching the barber shave guys and strop their razors and the smells of the shops. It was like it was yesterday.
    What was it like yesterday?
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  9. #28
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by honedright View Post
    What was it like yesterday?
    Depends where you live. it was hot and dry over here.
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  10. #29
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm just going by what I remember back in the 1950s going into barber shops.

    It was a long time ago and I didn't give a rats butt about shaving and straights then of course but to this day I remember the razors sitting in the barbercide jar and the strops on the chair and watching the barber shave guys and strop their razors and the smells of the shops. It was like it was yesterday.

    I, too, have memories of long ago sitting in barber shops watching the magic of the straight razor on the strop. I got my first barber cut probably 1947 or so. I was immediately fascinated and I still am. The smell of an oldtime barber shop was unmistakeable. LIFE magazine, LOOK magazine and comic books. Everybody had shined shoes. Take me back................


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