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  1. #11
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Richard, would it work if you took a piece of fabric 4x wider than the strop you want, fold the two sides into the centre (so now it's double width with the 2 rough edges touching in the middle of the fabric), then folding it over so that the 2 previous outside edges are one in top of the other, (now it's correct width, with the 2 rough edges under the fold at one side), then simply stitch the double edge together?
    Hope that makes sense.
    I interrupt this breakfast to bring you this message: Ed, 4x wider not necessary. 2x wide is all you need. Trim the raw edges cleanly. Use cosperryan's E6000 glue and coat one side. Then bring the raw edges to align CAREFULLY in the middle and put under pressure (like a stack of books or similar) till glue sets. No use out of backside but if you carefully matched the raw edges with no over lap you will have a good side free of bumps and ridges and no sewn thread lines that also cause ridges. This breakfast will now resume.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Razorfeld For This Useful Post:

    Blistersteel (10-21-2014), edhewitt (11-04-2013), Utopian (06-13-2015)

  3. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I am happy with my rough as denim strop, I was just wondering on behalf of people less unperfectionist than me.
    I told my wife about how when you get 100 posts you become a senior member, she said that I have too much time on my hands, what she doesn't know is that my post count is around 2100
    Enjoy your brekky Richard, I am just off to bed.

    Edit: post count is actually 2226, I really do have too much time on my hands.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  4. #13
    Senior Member dta116's Avatar
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    There is one other source, I really like the linen's that Torolf Myklebust <[email protected]> makes. He for sure has a source of Fine linen, although I am not sure he will share that with you. He sure does make a fine strop.

    They Call Me Dave; A User of all things usable.....

  5. #14
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    I made my cloth strop wrapped around a flooring plank, held in place on the underside with elastic bands (for women's hair I think, but I may have used rubber bands).

    It stays stretched taught on the top.

  6. #15
    Senior Member MuskieMan33's Avatar
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    My mother made me a couple of denim strops (one I left clean and the other I used for diamond spray) They seemed to do the job until I accumulated more stropping goods.

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuskieMan33 View Post
    My mother made me a couple of denim strops (one I left clean and the other I used for diamond spray) They seemed to do the job until I accumulated more stropping goods.
    Are you saying that when you acquired better stropping goods, you learned that your denim's were not so good? I have to ask because I have nothing to compare with.


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