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  1. #1
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    Default Where/what linen?

    I'm planning to try my hand at making a linen strop as an add on to my rich man strop from whipped dog. I want to try the feel of linen/fabric versus the poly webbing.

    I ran into the problem that I don't know what material to get to make it out of. Any suggestions?

    Yes, I do know that I could just buy something pre-made, but I like doing things myself. I also like working with leather and plan to make a new strop.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Of course if you can get real linen with a rough weave that would be best. Probably canvas or thick rough cotton next. Try a fabric store.
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  3. #3
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    Ok. I guess that's pretty much what I was looking for. I have found lots of places to buy linen, but there are so many different types that I don't know what would be best to get.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dta116's Avatar
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    I have used many linens but the one I get the best stropping out of is very stiff and cheap. I don't know where Al gets these but he can sell you a replacement strop 2 1/2" wide with some holes in it and you can mount it yourself on the leather strop of your choice.

    Big Easy Tools

    Just shoot him and email and ask for a Linen strop. (Tell him Dave Taylor sent you.....or maybe not....)

    Good luck, this Linen is the bomb....Woops, shouldn't say that, the internet police ya know....
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Big Easy. Very interesting site. Thank you.

  6. #6
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply. I took a look. I'm not really looking to buy a pre cut piece for the strop I have. As I said before. I want to try my hand at making a strop. I've been into leather craft for years, so why not put it to use for my new hobby?

  7. #7
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Take a close look at existing linen and poly strops. How are you planning to duplicate the seamless look? If you do any sewing of a tube and invert it you will still have the edges just enough thicker than the body of the strop and that will not give you the flat surface you need for effective stropping. If you use it without some kind of edge treatment you will have continual raveling of the edges, even with thicker fabrics. Contemplate finding a glue that you can then layer fabrics with without stiffening it too much. That at least would solve the edge problem. Also check the weave structure of the old ones to get an idea of what to look for texture wise.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member cosperryan's Avatar
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    I made a couple of strops. I went to tandy's for the leather and just cut it to size and length. Or you can get a piece of 3x50 and cut it in half and there you go, which I have also done. For the linen I have gone about it two ways. I actually got denim from a fabrics store and cut a strip a little bit wider than my old strop that I bought off ebay and used some E6000 to glue it down. Works perfectly fine. Or you could try getting a strip of old fire hose that has the linen or canvas covering. My father in law had some and it works amazingly.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Take a close look at existing linen and poly strops. How are you planning to duplicate the seamless look? If you do any sewing of a tube and invert it you will still have the edges just enough thicker than the body of the strop and that will not give you the flat surface you need for effective stropping. If you use it without some kind of edge treatment you will have continual raveling of the edges, even with thicker fabrics. Contemplate finding a glue that you can then layer fabrics with without stiffening it too much. That at least would solve the edge problem. Also check the weave structure of the old ones to get an idea of what to look for texture wise.
    Richard, would it work if you took a piece of fabric 4x wider than the strop you want, fold the two sides into the centre (so now it's double width with the 2 rough edges touching in the middle of the fabric), then folding it over so that the 2 previous outside edges are one in top of the other, (now it's correct width, with the 2 rough edges under the fold at one side), then simply stitch the double edge together?
    Hope that makes sense.
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  11. #10
    Senior Member dta116's Avatar
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    I guess my point was missed, When I suggested you visit with Al @
    I meant for you to ask about where he gets the material....It does not have frayed edges like other Lenin and therefore does not require folding and stitching...
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