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Thread: Homemade Strop

  1. #1
    Senior Member JoelLewicki's Avatar
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    Smile Homemade Strop

    Well, I decided to try and save some money yet still make a nice wide strop. I went to a local leather store in Norfolk, VA and picked up a scrap of leather 8-10oz, a ring, and some rivets for $8.00!! Trimmed the leather down, and then shaped it with a sanding drum on my dremel. I know I'll have to be careful with the exposed rivets. Would love to hear feedback from anyone else who's tried to do something like this before, or if you'd like to comment about how awesome it is, go ahead - comments about how bad it is too I suppose. Here are some pictures:
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    State v. Durham, 323 N.W. 2d 243, 245 (Iowa 1982) (holding that a straight razor is per se a "dangerous weapon").

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I like it & love to see people making their own stuff.

    This is coming from the worst strop handler on SRP, so take it for what it's worth:

    The end that has tha handle looks like something is missing, like reinforced corner edges, all the strops that I have seen with that shape, have a "solid/reinforced' piece that hold those two corners flat, so when you stroke the razor back to that end the corners don't give way, possibly sending the razor's edge into the leather.

    I'm not sure that I explained it right, but the strop boys will have the right terminology & chime in before long.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Simple yet effective. I have never had a strop with a handle. Mine have either had a square end or D rings, so I can't help with explaining the end. It may curl on the ends, only use and experience will tell. I hope it works wonders, nothing quite as good feeling as doing for yourself. After all it is part of what attracts me to shaving with a straight razor in the first place, that is before the AD's took over.
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  6. #4
    Senior Member JoelLewicki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    The end that has tha handle looks like something is missing, like reinforced corner edges, all the strops that I have seen with that shape, have a "solid/reinforced' piece that hold those two corners flat, so when you stroke the razor back to that end the corners don't give way, possibly sending the razor's edge into the leather.
    Thats a great idea, I'm trying to think of how you could reinforce that end. I have more rivets, so I wonder if I could find like a thinner piece of leather and wrap the end and rivet it if that would help. Thanks for the idea I'll do some more research! Anyone else who has ideas, please chime in.
    State v. Durham, 323 N.W. 2d 243, 245 (Iowa 1982) (holding that a straight razor is per se a "dangerous weapon").

  7. #5
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Looks good, nice job!

    I guess the thing you need to figure out is what happens when you pull on the handle? Do the corners roll inwards - ie does the strop cup under tension? If not, don't worry about it. If it does then yeah, I'd do something so that the tension gets spread evenly across the width at the handle end.

    But as it stands I'd leave it alone unless it cups. You've got a nice stropping area there. You start mucking around with rivets (or even stitching) that you don't need, you'll just reduce the stroppable surface.

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  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Name:  IMG_7507.jpg
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Size:  19.3 KBhere's what i did with my home made strop.
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    i used a bent nail for the stiffener and hanger and made "handle pockets" which i sewed together and formed with a thin piece of wood. It was then rivited the strop with chicago screws so that the leather could be replaced. hope this inspires an idea for someone.

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    JoelLewicki (02-08-2014)

  10. #7
    Member Pipesmokanz's Avatar
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    that looks cool, I love the idea of making our own stuff. My strop is a 50 60 cm long piece of hide I got it of a local auction site, It seems to work well apart from not having a handle just a thumb hole which I am not sure is helping with holding it straight.
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  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pipesmokanz View Post
    that looks cool, I love the idea of making our own stuff. My strop is a 50 60 cm long piece of hide I got it of a local auction site, It seems to work well apart from not having a handle just a thumb hole which I am not sure is helping with holding it straight.
    You can make a handle easily enough, or even just a stiffener, I riveted a hinge to each end of mine.
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  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    looks pretty good and the ideas the others are giving will be a great fix without something to keep that end flat , pulling it taught will cup the stropping area I just have a d-ring at each end ,, pipesmokanz isn't Invercargill where the guy with fastest indian motorcycle was from ? tc

  13. #10
    Member Pipesmokanz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    looks pretty good and the ideas the others are giving will be a great fix without something to keep that end flat , pulling it taught will cup the stropping area I just have a d-ring at each end ,, pipesmokanz isn't Invercargill where the guy with fastest indian motorcycle was from ? tc
    Yes It is mate, Burt Munro. He built it in his shed down here. They have a rally down here every year in his honour, If your a two wheel man its definitely A must do.

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