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Thread: Certified 164C Horsehide & canvas (?) strop

  1. #1
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    Default Certified 164C Horsehide & canvas (?) strop

    My wife picked this strop up a month or so ago, and I didn't pay it much attention because it didn't appear to have any markings. But I recently looked at it more closely, and it turns out that it had been assembled with the markings on the inside, and they're faded enough that I didn't notice them at first.

    Both the leather and canvas (?) seem to be in pretty good shape, though the leather may be a bit dry.

    I've read a few posts here about rehabbing these strops, but there doesn't appear to be a consensus. I'm open to advice!

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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Fabric is easy. Hot water a scrub brush and detergent and plenty of elbow grease. if the strop is loaded with chalk it will loose it's stiffness if that is what it has. The leather, as long as it isn't nicked or cut up can be cleaned too. Many opinions on this. Personally I like Bick leather cleaner and after that some neatsfoot oil.
    Geezer, WadePatton and Dzanda like this.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    A very nice looking strop.
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  5. #4
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Strops are very dynamic, punch a hole in the end of that one, and you can swap ends.

    Neatsfoot oil and/or tallow are all i use (on my 4 rehabbed strops). They are the time-tested natural leather conditioning products i have on hand.

    Yours looks great. Take your time and oil it slowly. wipe on/wipe off over a few days. You want non-stiffness, but not spongy saturation.

    Neatsfoot compound is not neatsfoot oil. I have no experience with the "compound". I'd avoid it.

    send it to me, i'll fix it.
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  7. #5
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    Default INNY, OUTTY, OR BOTH?

    I finally located some neatsfoot OIL (!) after a prolonged search...and then only in gallon jugs! But I now have a pint of it, and am ready to get started rehabbing this strop.

    The fabric strop seems pretty serviceable as it is. I find no evidence that it was ever chalked (was chalk used as a mild abrasive?); at any rate, there's no obvious residue.

    The leather, however, needs a little TLC; mainly a bit of oil to restore some of its former flexibility. Happily, there's no cracking at all, and only a few very minor surface irregularities; I suspect that whoever used it was right-handed, because there's a bit more wear on the right edge. As I mentioned, the logo side is actually on the inside (facing the fabric strop); it's slightly rough, and seems to be unused. The other side is smooth and shows clear evidence of having been used.

    So... I'm uncertain about how to proceed. Specifically: which side do I oil?

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If your going to Oil the strop,oil the smooth side,lightly.
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  9. The Following User Says Thank You to pixelfixed For This Useful Post:

    Dzanda (03-03-2014)

  10. #7
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    If your going to Oil the strop,oil the smooth side,lightly.
    Thanks! Will do!

    My plan is to wipe a little on, remove any excess, and wait a day or two before deciding whether any more oil is needed.

    Is there any specific indication that will tell me when to stop?

  11. #8
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I, personally, say 'nay' to oiling a strop. Not good, IMO. A bit of Bick leather conditioner or similar at a time. Rubbing and trying in between applications. Old strops are hit and miss!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 03-04-2014 at 05:01 AM.
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    I rest my case.

  12. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I, personally, say 'nay' to oiling a strop. Not good, IMO. A bit of Bick leather conditioner or similar at a time. Rubbing and trying in between applications. Old strops are hit and miss!
    Too late, he has a gallon :<0)
    I would clean it first. I use Liquid Glycerin by some old guy , up north somewhere. Light on the neets foot when you go there.
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  13. #10
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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