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Thread: Strops and Dogs

  1. #11
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    My dogs chewed a set of saddlebags right off of my motorcycle Now all leather goods stay out of reach.
    Have a great day!

  2. #12
    Senior Member IndependenceRazor1's Avatar
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    5 Greyhounds - see avatar
    No strop damage (by them)
    My father was an engineer. He used to tell me that sharpening a straight razor is like trying to build a ladder to the moon out of a roll of aluminum foil.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willisf View Post
    My Great Danes will walk over to my strops and do a distance smell sometimes. If I am using neats foot oil on a strop..... They will get up close to it and sniff a lot. One of my Danes actually busted a bottle of neats foot oil one time.

    Good rule of thumb..... Put things away so the puppies can't mess with things/ items you do not want to part with.....Or if they are too quiet and out of sight...chances are, they up to no
    Yeah, they know when they're being bad! But sometimes it's worth it!!

  4. #14
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    My dogs have free access to quite a few strops, but were never even curious about them ... but ... they're aging birddogs!
    rolodave likes this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    My Staffy woundnt dream of chewing anything of mine, he did once eat a bit of my toast when he was a young 'un, I gave him a slap and told him quite plainly that if he ever did that again Id skin him and wear him as a hat. Hes never done it since in 9 years.
    I love my boy.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    yeh my Staffy's are good when left to their own devises separated, but for some reason as soon as there is more than one it is completion to play with the most things then tugawar over it LOL
    The 6 month old Pup is the current instigator (still learning) but the older 2 have no issue joining in after she starts, bit like the seal has been broken so all is good.

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    to shave another day.

  7. #17
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    My little rescue mutt is more interested in my juicy socks. None of the dogs that I have had or that have been over visiting every exhibited any interest in my hanging strops. Too many other strange and exotic odors to explore at my place.

  8. #18
    pcm is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by k5MOW View Post
    Well with animals each animal can be different and some won't bother at all and some will chew the heck out of it. Anyway to keep the dogs out of the bathroom. After being an animal control officer for about 15 years I've noticed dogs are like people each one is different and each one has its own personality and some like to chew things up and some don't. Also if your dogs are under two years old I would think that the potential is higher for disaster. Good luck.

    I agree. Age and personality seem to be the thing. If the dogs are puppies, then certainly, wait to not tempt fate. I haven't had problems with my latest dog, although the upstairs dressing room is more of the cat's domain. The dog's domain is the first floor. Detente is great.


  9. #19
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    Never even considered dogs would chew up a hanging strop. I don't currently own a fury friend but have in the past and she didn't bother anything other than the recliner handle. Thats was easily stopped with a dab of tobasco sauce on the end. But I am however seriously looking for another one. I like having a strop hung below waist height so I will have to come up with some solution as I don't want to have to pack everything into the bathroom once I decide to shave and I like the idea of things with in easy access.

  10. #20
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scratch427 View Post
    Never even considered dogs would chew up a hanging strop. I don't currently own a fury friend but have in the past and she didn't bother anything other than the recliner handle. Thats was easily stopped with a dab of tobasco sauce on the end. But I am however seriously looking for another one. I like having a strop hung below waist height so I will have to come up with some solution as I don't want to have to pack everything into the bathroom once I decide to shave and I like the idea of things with in easy access.
    Put a ring or hook at the level you want to strop at and another up high out of temptation's reach for storage.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

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