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Thread: I bought a Kanayama Cordovan Strop 20000 w/linen backing today from JNS.

  1. #11
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Interestingly enough, Druid, I have the 80000 and the 30000 and love both, but the 30000 feels a wee bit better. I really like this strops. These are great strops. I've had a vast variety of strops through the years, including Neil Miller, Bison and Tolorf, but the Kanayama is special.

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have the #3 and the 90000 and the surface is the same on both. The 90K is just longer and wider and thicker and comes with the suede component. Personally I think they are the most perfect strops out there. Currently I'm negotiating to get a Raven Strop so when I get it there will be an epic battle of the strops-har har.

    I'd urge caution in using the fabric part. My understanding (and we have discussed this much) is those were selected because it is the best material he can get locally. That strop needs to be broken in before use and that involves a lot of work with washing and pounding. I've never used his fabric as I have a quality true linen strop.

    And yes all strops do the exact same thing equally well as long as they are quality pieces.
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  4. #13
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    I assume you're referring to this (or similar):

    =====How To Make Softer Canvas Strop=====

    It is kind of hard work, but if you will try to do it, please do like below:

    Put on body soap (solid one), and wash it away

    Put on the canvas strop on the wood board, and pounding with wooden hammer on the round portion of the wood hammer side to kill the tough fibers.

    Washing by brush

    Rubbing solid body soap

    Washing by brush

    Wrapping by Nagura to polish the surface of the canvas strop

    Washing by washing machine

    Drying at shade a couple days

    Putting on body soap by brush

    Wrapping by beer bottle strongly

    Please do the all above processes three times
    I'm not advocating that anyone else do what I have done, but after examining the Kanayama canvas component side-by-side against my SRD premium canvas component, I have chosen to forsake the previous instructions and just use the strop. I have used it daily for the past couple of weeks and have seen no ill effects from this usage - either under the microscope or on my face. I have used it on everything from a 5/8 Dubl Duck to an 8/8+ W & B FBU with no problems at all.

    I figure that if any issues do arise, I can hone them out and report on it here. No skin off anyone's back but my own. However, if (as I believe) there continues to be no issues with using this strop, then it will be of some use for the forum to hear about it. Likewise, if it chips my edges down to the base of the bevel it will also be useful to report that here - and I'm not to proud to say when I've made a mistake.

    I'll keep you all posted!
    Slawman and ironmaned1987 like this.

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  6. #14
    Senior Member ironmaned1987's Avatar
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    sqabxr, do you mean that you are using the canvas component on the Kanayama strop as it came? Obie, do you use the canvas component on your 2 Kanayama strops, without treating them first? This is interesting because I didn't know the canvas component on the Kanayama strops are a problem. Please clarify this for me. Thank you!

  7. #15
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    My kanayama 3 is my favorite strop. As others have said, it is special.
    ironmaned1987 likes this.
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  8. #16
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaned1987 View Post
    sqabxr, do you mean that you are using the canvas component on the Kanayama strop as it came? Obie, do you use the canvas component on your 2 Kanayama strops, without treating them first? This is interesting because I didn't know the canvas component on the Kanayama strops are a problem. Please clarify this for me. Thank you!
    Yes, I am using it just as it came from the maker. The break-in procedure I quoted was from "Japanese Chef Knives" in Hawaii, which is where I purchased my strop from. The other vendor that I am aware of is "Japanese Natural Stones" in Denmark, who doesn't mention a thing about needing to perform break-in procedures on the canvas. My choice of vendors was purely based upon inventory in hand.
    ironmaned1987 likes this.

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  10. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    My #3 came with a sued second,, I do use it for my before shave strop, but on most others I use the natural linen I have from Scruplworks, Torolf,s linen is one of the better ones I've used. Tc
    ironmaned1987 likes this.
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  12. #18
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaned1987 View Post
    sqabxr, do you mean that you are using the canvas component on the Kanayama strop as it came? Obie, do you use the canvas component on your 2 Kanayama strops, without treating them first? This is interesting because I didn't know the canvas component on the Kanayama strops are a problem. Please clarify this for me. Thank you!
    Yes, I use the canvas as is. My routine is:

    30 strokes on canvas
    30 strokes on felt
    90 strokes on leather
    ironmaned1987 likes this.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

    ironmaned1987 (01-27-2016)

  14. #19
    Senior Member ironmaned1987's Avatar
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    Thank you gentlemen for all your comments! They have been very helpful. I have sent several emails to the people at JNS, telling them that I wanted to upgrade my order from the 20000 strop to the 50000 strop. Have not yet heard back from yet, but as sqabxr said JNS is located in Denmark, so their time difference is several hours different (8 hours I think). I will probably get a reply from them tomorrow morning when I get back on the computer. Will keep you all posted as to my success! Good night! Ed

  15. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I have the #3 and the 90000 and the surface is the same on both. The 90K is just longer and wider and thicker and comes with the suede component. Personally I think they are the most perfect strops out there. Currently I'm negotiating to get a Raven Strop so when I get it there will be an epic battle of the strops-har har.

    I'd urge caution in using the fabric part. My understanding (and we have discussed this much) is those were selected because it is the best material he can get locally. That strop needs to be broken in before use and that involves a lot of work with washing and pounding. I've never used his fabric as I have a quality true linen strop.

    And yes all strops do the exact same thing equally well as long as they are quality pieces.
    The raven is quite nice. I don't think it's as good as a kanyama though.

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