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Thread: I bought a Kanayama Cordovan Strop 20000 w/linen backing today from JNS.

  1. #1
    Senior Member ironmaned1987's Avatar
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    Smile I bought a Kanayama Cordovan Strop 20000 w/linen backing today from JNS.

    Good Morning! I purchased a Kanayama Cordovan Strop 20000 w/linen backing today from Japanese Natural Stones. Size is 600mm 66mm 3mm. The maker of these strops is 80 yo and I wanted to get one before he quit making them. If anyone is familiar with/own this strop? If so, please comment with your opinion, etc. Thank you! Ed

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I don't own the 20000. But I do own the 30000, it is my favorite strop, I really like no drag, so this is it, so smooth you almost don't feel like your stropping. Now others like draw, but in the end I believe the big spendur has said many times as long as the leather is of good quality they all do the same thing, so it's all about what draw you like, if it's a very light draw then Kanayama is it. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    You cant go wrong with a Kanayama, they are some of the best strops you can get. As Tc said they are fast with little to no draw, simply wonderful to strop on and really brings out and edge.

    I would recommend washing the linen/cotton strop a few times and soak in fabric conditioner to break it in as its quite hard.
    prodigy and ironmaned1987 like this.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    I bought a Kanayama #3 a few years back. I didn't see much effectiveness in the suede second component, so I had Torolf at Scrupleworks make up a Natural Linen with a leather finished end. Swapped out the suede, and I now consider it a luxury strop ... a very close second to Neil Miller's shell cordovan, which is now retired in Neil's honor.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member ironmaned1987's Avatar
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    Actually, I am switching my order from a 20000 to a 50000! The 20000's width is 66mm; the 50000 width is 68mm (closer to 3"). They didn't have any #3's, but they did have 80000's and 90000's in addition to the 20000 & 50000. The higher the number the more $$. The 80000 is 66mm wide, but 3.5mm thick; the 90000 is 68mm and 3.5mm thick. the 20000 & 50000 are both 3mm thick. Didn't see anything wider than 68mm. My other strop is a SRD 3" natural w/a premium linen back and I like the 3" width.

  9. #6
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    You'll like it a lot! I've had a #3 for quite a while now, and just got a 60000 a couple of weeks ago. The thicker leather of the 60000 is really nice, and the canvas is quite similar to the SRD premium fabric except for the color. Absolutely super strops!

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  11. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Kanayama are sweet strops. In the past, I've had the 70000 and 80000. Currently I have the 30000 and the 80000. Since I prefer a mild draw, especially because of the arthritis in my hands, the Kanayama is perfect for me. Also, I love the way the strop's leather hugs the blade. Great stuff.

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    ironmaned1987 (01-26-2016)

  13. #8
    Senior Member ironmaned1987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post
    Kanayama are sweet strops. In the past, I've had the 70000 and 80000. Currently I have the 30000 and the 80000. Since I prefer a mild draw, especially because of the arthritis in my hands, the Kanayama is perfect for me. Also, I love the way the strop's leather hugs the blade. Great stuff.
    Hey Obie, thanks for the post! In case you haven't guess, I'm Ed Urbanski, and I had the privilege of meeting you and seeing your wonderful shaving den a couple of weeks ago. I have gotten the "straight razor bug"!
    Obie and dinnermint like this.

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  15. #9
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaned1987 View Post
    Hey Obie, thanks for the post! In case you haven't guess, I'm Ed Urbanski, and I had the privilege of meeting you and seeing your wonderful shaving den a couple of weeks ago. I have gotten the "straight razor bug"!
    Yes, of course, Ed, I was delighted to meet you. Welcome to the straight razor world. Once you hone your skill, you'll never look back at any other form of shaving, except maybe for an occasional double edge or single edge razor shave.

  16. #10
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    I'm not making a judgement on anyone's equipment here .. Just a personal observation.

    One of the things I like about the #3 is the thin, supple leather. I favor this in all my strops, as I like to vary how taut I pull the strop to how much work I feel the edge needs..

    As an aside, I only wanted one strop to use day in and day out. For one reason or another it hasn't worked out that way. I've got more strops than I should have here, in my quest for the Holy Grail, which, as one could guess, still eludes me! I'm very close, but I've come to the conclusion that I should have recognized from the start ... As in glorious Persian rugs, perfection only exists in the hands of God.
    ironmaned1987 likes this.

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