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Thread: I bought a Kanayama Cordovan Strop 20000 w/linen backing today from JNS.

  1. #31
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaned1987 View Post
    Thank you bigspendur! I went to the website, Imperial Shaving, and it said that it ships within 24 hours and it is $599.99. At that price, I think I will wait, I would rather get a Tony Miller when he has some inventory. Do you know who makes The Raven?
    Yes their website says ships in 24 hours however that's for in stock items and those are definitely NOT in stock.

    Keep in mind the price difference for the Raven is the Black material which I am told is what makes it so rare.

    You'd have to ask the folks at Imperial who makes the strops for them.
    ironmaned1987 likes this.
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  2. #32
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    i just went back and re read the description for the one i bought on ebay a while back. Rather than interpret things ill just post what it said.

    "Priced to sell is a brand new straight razor strop known to be the rarest and longest piece of shell cordovan, uncharted black shell as it was made from Horween a hundred years ago. The maker knows the owners personally and is the only strop maker able to get this kind of shell. At 30" inches it's he longest that he made at my request he sold me his longest one. I never used it as it is a collection piece unfortunately I now have to fund my new leather craft business. This is sold mark at $600 dollars on his website the this is a deal!"

    So, it would seem the strop maker and the owner of imperial shave have a friendship. All i know is im happy with the $195 i paid for mine

  3. #33
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    What do you mean by wrapping by Nagura? Do you mean rubbing?

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