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Thread: My Strop Has A Hump!

  1. #1
    Member Maxx's Avatar
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    Default My Strop Has A Hump!

    So here's the jist. Bought a natural strop of SRD for my first, jacked it up some, bought another for when I was more proficient. Busted out the other one a few weeks ago and noticed a hump going long ways from the logo and about 3 inches toward the handle. Thought some palm ribbing would work it out, it hasn't. Along the hump the razor only makes contact in the center, bout an inch width. Amy suggestions to flatten it out?

    Thanks in advance,

    Baby Butt Smooth

  2. #2
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    So here's the jist. Bought a natural strop of SRD for my first, jacked it up some, bought another for when I was more proficient. Busted out the other one a few weeks ago and noticed a hump going long ways from the logo and about 3 inches toward the handle. Thought some palm ribbing would work it out, it hasn't. Along the hump the razor only makes contact in the center, bout an inch width. Amy suggestions to flatten it out?

    Thanks in advance,

    There is the get it warm Damp and pull on it. So the hump is from storage?? Or an anomalous bump. Pictures now would help. No pressure and taut . 2 pictures needed
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  3. #3
    Member Maxx's Avatar
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    It's super hard to see it, I'll post some pictures of it tomorrow though. Not sure it's from storage since it's been in the sealed plastic and flat on the floor until I opened it. I'll get some pics up tomorrow though, it just looks like a few veins branching out, maybe there was a tendon or throbbing vein on that part of the me.
    Baby Butt Smooth

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Keep rubbing the hump, it will eventually go down,.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    If its hard to see it aint no big deal. Tendons and Leather while from the same animal, are anatomically worlds apart.
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  6. #6
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    Wipe with a damp rag every couple days to rehydrate the leather then when dry condition how ever you usually do your strops..plam rubs, neatsfoot, etc

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If you buy a new item it should be perfect and not require you to jimmy with it. if the defect is enough to cause a loss of contact when you strop I'd send it back for a replacement.
    rocarule likes this.
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  8. #8
    Member Maxx's Avatar
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    So here's the best I can do with pics:

    First is hanging loose
    Name:  loose.jpg
Views: 182
Size:  13.4 KB

    Second is pulled taught
    Name:  taught.jpg
Views: 174
Size:  12.9 KB

    Third is obviously with a razor on it "flat" for reference, strop is also pulled taught again
    Name:  withrazor.jpg
Views: 164
Size:  11.5 KB

    You think it would be reasonable to ask for a refund or replacement given it's been about months that I bought it (although only used lightly for a few weeks)?
    Baby Butt Smooth

  9. #9
    Previously lost, now "Pasturized" kaptain_zero's Avatar
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    I think that the only people who can really answer your questions are the fine folks at SRD. Clearly this is something I would have thought the strop maker would have caught when making the strop, but anyone can have an off day. Drop SRD a line and see what they say.


    "Aw nuts, now I can't remember what I forgot!" --- Kaptain "Champion of lost causes" Zero

  10. #10
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx View Post
    So here's the best I can do with pics:

    First is hanging loose
    Name:  loose.jpg
Views: 182
Size:  13.4 KB

    Second is pulled taught
    Name:  taught.jpg
Views: 174
Size:  12.9 KB

    Third is obviously with a razor on it "flat" for reference, strop is also pulled taught again
    Name:  withrazor.jpg
Views: 164
Size:  11.5 KB

    You think it would be reasonable to ask for a refund or replacement given it's been about months that I bought it (although only used lightly for a few weeks)?
    First you have the blade facing the wrong direction. I guess you could cut it off.
    No in all seriousness if it bothers you then ask for a replacement or refund.
    I would run with that strop based on those pictures. Pulled taut it and if I couldnt feel it.
    Plus if you pulled up short on your stroke you would never touch it.
    I would strop on that with no reservations.
    But it is yours. You must make an informed decision on how you feel about it.
    Did you try a warm Compress to the area?
    Those marks look like a cow ran into a wire on the fence. I have had them and had no problems.

    Great job with the pictures.
    We cant help you with what is unseen. Thank-you for that.
    Last edited by ultrasoundguy2003; 04-19-2016 at 12:13 AM.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

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