1st thing fellas, is that the canvas piece of the Kanayama strops is 65mm wide, or 2.5 inches. The actual cordovan front piece for stropping on is 68mm or 2.67 inches. I stropped today with a Dovo Bismarck, and it was all but covered by the strop width. You may say 3mm isn't much. Check with one of your razors, the canvas piece and how the razor sits on it, then go to the leather, both the suede piece and cordovan are 68mm. It makes a big difference as to the lateral movement of your razor across the leather. Look at it this way. The nani superstones at 70mm cover the razor length fine, so consider 1mm at either end of the razor and thats your difference. Hardly affects my stropping technique at all. Re the odd ball numbers of the Kanayama's at Fendrihans. The 6300 and the 2196, only differ in description by the use of the word 'Coarse'. I received correspondence from Fendrihans overnight re the use of the word, 'Grit' when describing their kanayama strops, ie; #70000 grit strops. They are rectifying any issues by getting comment from the manufacturer, and from all accounts are addressing the matter. All I can offer is that the width of the #10000 at 68mm is the same as the #70000 at 68mm. How wide in actuality the #2196 and #6300 are I'm not aware.