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Thread: Westholm Shell Cordovan

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    yes, beautiful strop. I'd be afraid to nick it.
    Last edited by tintin; 01-19-2020 at 11:36 PM.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Alastair makes a fine strop, I was lucky to test and evaluate each of his offerings before he stopped producing strops as now he only produces them on a limited non custom basis.

    I have 4 strops and a Westholme custom cordovan is one of them along with my Kanayama, Scrupleworks HH and TM Grandpa Bridle and then I have a paddle that has some paste on it
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    "A Honer's adage "Hone-Shave-Repeat"


  3. #13
    Senior Member azgabe's Avatar
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    Wow, I didn't realize this thread was months old. Is FB the only was to purchase or contact Alstair? He mentions an Ebay page, but no links. I don't have FB.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azgabe View Post
    Wow, I didn't realize this thread was months old. Is FB the only was to purchase or contact Alstair? He mentions an Ebay page, but no links. I don't have FB.
    At one time Alastair did custom orders but presently none and I believe FB is the only place and you cannot leave a message on his site, I’m sure he’s quite busy on renovation and I’m glad I was able to get one of his strop and as I said was lucky enough to test all his offerings and then went thru thru the process of designing one

    See my long journey here
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    "A Honer's adage "Hone-Shave-Repeat"


  5. #15
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    Dear friends!

    Having not checked into SRP for so very long (when did it become Sharp Razor Palace?!!), and was pleased to see a Westholme thread at the top of the strops sub-forum when I happened to visit today!

    I'm thrilled that my strops are still being discussed, and I can only apologise that for the last few months I've again been in a slightly more dormant period.

    My website is in desperate need of an update, at which time I will re-instate the contact forms. I also sorry that Facebook remains my only point of direct contact at the moment, though even that you may struggle with, as I have been somewhat incommunicado for the last few months. I have a bit of a backlog of messages on there.

    My leather stock depleted at the end of the summer, and I've needed to re-stock ever since; but with work still ongoing on my house project, funds have been needed for that, rather than leather!

    But I'm pleased to say that at long last I have an appointment booked with my leather merchants next week. I'm aiming to re-stock Horween Shell Cordovan (colours depend entirely on what they have in stock), some kangaroo, and I'm also eager to check out some wonderful new Italian veg-tan leathers that they are now stocking - They look amazing, and I'm hoping that when I see them in person, I'll recognise them as great stropping leathers.

    Unfortunately custom orders are still not practical for me at the moment. We are about to commence a single storey extension on the back of our house, so I expect that to keep me busy for the next few months - However, I am very aware (and extremely grateful!) that there are still many fine people seeking to own one of my strops; so I'm keen to get new batches of strops prepared over the next 6 weeks.

    I'll also look into creating an Etsy store, as I'm aware that many people don't wish to use Facebook.

    Best wishes to everyone, and thanks again for keeping up the desire for my strops!



  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to westholmestrops For This Useful Post:

    BobH (01-26-2020), DZEC (01-26-2020), greatbolo (02-03-2020), markbignosekelly (01-26-2020), Steel (01-26-2020)

  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Guess I’ll wait then....keep in touch ..on Sharp Razor

  8. #17
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    All I can say about it seven months later is there’s nothing like cordovan. It’s a thing of beauty. I just ordered a flax linen strop from him.

  9. #18
    King of the Shorties Aldwyn's Avatar
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    Yep... Once I got my Westholme, the other strops all just sit in the closet, looking quite lonely and sad.

    I guess I was lucky I got mine when I did. It was a "factory second" he sold on eBay.... a "second" because during the tanning process, some weird spotting was left behind on the leather. You cant feel can just see it. Either way, it still works like a charm and feels great to strop on.

    Call me spoiled, but I always want English linen now.

    Recovered Razor Addict
    (Just kidding, I have one incoming...)

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