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Thread: Homemade strop

  1. #21
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Default Seems like a good opportunity for a "BUMP"

    We need to pass our knowledge and experience on to a younger generation. We need to motivate young guys or this art form might be lost in the near future.

    But how do we identify these younger guys who might have enough of an interset in this artform.

    Ironically, I think the very youngest of the membership holds the key to this question. If you are under thirty, try to get your friends interested in this very fun artform. Talk to your classmates in highschool and college or the military.

    It will take a young, adventurous spirit to keep this art of shaving going for years to come.

    I have two grandsons, one age 5 and one age 6 and I intend to try to motivate them as they mature. It ain't gonna happen if we don't make it happen. We need the average age of the forum members to drop. This is the only measure of progress................
    Last edited by mrsell63; 06-12-2010 at 06:33 AM.
    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mrsell63 For This Useful Post:

    hartfordelt (12-29-2010), Wfaist (06-12-2010)

  3. #22
    Round and Round we go Wfaist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrsell63 View Post

    I think it is an admirable and courageous thing you are doing as you stand on the threshhold of manhood. You beat me by 9 years. I was 23 when I first grabbed a deadly dubl duk and began flailing away at my ugly mug.

    In honor of your recently manifested manhood, I will send you free of charge a recently hand cut 2 1/2 inch wide top grain cowhide strop which is attached to a 1960's Dubl-Duk double sided linen strop with the original German hardware. This strop is definitely in very decent shape.

    The only condition for this free deal is that you get your parents permission to send me your mailing address so I can send the strop.
    I live in Berks County PA and you can PM me if you are interested in the strop.

    Good luck with your shaving,

    Boom! That just happened.

    We need to pass our knowledge and experience on to a younger generation. We need to motivate young guys or this art form might be lost in the near future.

    But how do we identify these younger guys who might have enough of an interset in this artform.

    Ironically, I think the very youngest of the membership holds the key to this question. If you are under thirty, try to get your friends interested in this very fun artform. Talk to your classmates in highschool and college or the military.

    It will take a young, adventurous spirit to keep this art of shaving going for years to come.

    I have two grandsons, one age 5 and one age 6 and I intend to try to motivate them as they mature. It ain't gonna happen if we don't make it happen. We need the average age of the forum members to drop. This is the only measure of progress................

    I second that, being all of 20. I've been trying to motivate some of my friends but they like playing with their "vibrators" to much. Though I am having luck convincing my coworkers that shaving with a str8 is so much better, enjoyable, fun, relaxing... etc. experience that every male should at least try it. I always tell them "here borrow my stuff and give it a shot. You'll never know if you like it or not unless you try."

    Last edited by Wfaist; 06-12-2010 at 06:27 AM.

  4. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wfaist View Post
    Boom! That just happened.

    I second that, being all of 20. I've been trying to motivate some of my friends but they like playing with their "vibrators" to much. Though I am having luck convincing my coworkers that shaving with a str8 is so much better, enjoyable, fun, relaxing... etc. experience that every male should at least try it. I always tell them "here borrow my stuff and give it a shot. You'll never know if you like it or not unless you try."


    Arg... for sanitary reasons "borrow my stuff" needs to be paired with
    a sanitizing process. Do not share kit -- even electric razors
    and hairbrushes.

    But anyone that reads this forum knows this so I
    will shut my yap...
    Mother Tom

  5. #24
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default younger members

    I think the future of this art lies in the willignness of people my age to try to get new members into this while there are still older gents like jerry and sham and others that know enough and care enough to help youngsters. If we dont get soem people into this art soon i fear it will eventually dye out.

    By the way i know most of you guys were wondering about a strop update. 1 i recived the strop and i continue to use it to this very day2 i have not knicked it yet and because i have followed jerrys method i dotn feel that i wll ever have to worrie about nicking it .3 the only issue im havign is that i dotn have an even amount of hair growth so i only get to use my strop once every week or so.

  6. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    I love homemade strops
    I've used a number of years himself. with complete satisfaction. Ok does not look as pretty but works perfectly

  7. #26
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    For me looks fine kalerolf
    Last edited by du212; 12-23-2010 at 02:41 PM.

  8. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default You're a very classy act, Jerry

    Saying much more risks sounding really silly, but your kindness to this young man showing interest and initiative is really really great. I would say it's a fine example of what us older guys should be doing with the younger in most all areas. 'Not just the generosity, but the support.

    'Really fine stuff. Bravo.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to pinklather For This Useful Post:

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  10. #28
    Adding water Huey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deerhunter1995 View Post
    i have not knicked it yet and because i have followed jerrys method i dotn feel that i wll ever have to worrie about nicking it

    You can't say 'yet'. Makes it sound like you'll eventually knick it and trust me, it'll be a terrible feeling 'if' you do.
    Positive thinking and slow, precise mevements.

    You'll be just fine

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Huey For This Useful Post:

    Deerhunter1995 (12-29-2010)

  12. #29
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default thanks

    (You can't say 'yet'. Makes it sound like you'll eventually knick it and trust me, it'll be a terrible feeling 'if' you do.
    Positive thinking and slow, precise mevements)

    thanks, I always take my time and remember that im the one that wanted to get into this hobbie so if im gonna do it i should do it right and be carful with my equipment.

  13. #30
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    I did my first drop cable, the first six months ... Until it was destroyed and almost every hole. You must use the penalty term or even long term. What I did is to replace mine and put the old DTH Strop Strop, my pasta.

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