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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmc1979 View Post
    Being new to this, I've got the razors on the way, already honed, so I'm now looking to get a strop so I can use them. My question is, besides not getting something too expensive as I'm told to expect the nicks and cuts from learning, should I get one with just leather (like a Filly which I've heard is suggested a lot) or should I go right into a strop with leather and linen. thanks.
    Leather + fabric.

    One of the vendors has a fine strop for which you can
    order replacement bits for a very fair price should you
    cut it badly.

    The ability to replace part of the strop has value if you get serious
    about honing has merit ... While not commonly needed day to day a
    pasted strop can put a final polish on a razor that will last
    a long time. Just replace the canvas with pasted canvas
    when honing and then replace with the clean fabric for day in day
    out stropping.

    One of the vendors also has a fabric and felt strop
    for those that want a pasted strop handy.

    Do get a quality strop. Note that you strop a razor each time you use
    it so a strop gets used a lot and is as important as the quality
    of the steel (Not expensive - quality).

  2. #12
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Yep, get leather and linen. I have tried just leather and I mush prefer the results when I use both.

    Dont worry too much about nicks, the SRD strops are modular so you can replace the leather for not much outlay.

    Good luck!

  3. #13
    Member bmc1979's Avatar
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    Wow, thanks everyone for the responses. They are greatly appreciated. When all was said and done, I ended up getting an Illinois Razor 127 from Fendrihan. Had both leather and linen which is what I was leaning towards. I looked at the highly recommended Filly but by the time you spend the money to get it shipped to Canada and factor in conversion, I'd rather spend a little more for a little bit better strop. Plus, on top of that Fendrihan has a Father's day special where you get 10% any purchase. Thanks again everyone.

  4. #14
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    FYI - after the conversion, and the shipping (I live in Toronto), and a little Duty here and's still worth it.

    I think my SRD Premium IV Bridle is just awesome. Utterly and completely worth the shipping time and cost. Hands down.


  5. #15
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmc1979 View Post
    Wow, thanks everyone for the responses. They are greatly appreciated. When all was said and done, I ended up getting an Illinois Razor 127 from Fendrihan. Had both leather and linen which is what I was leaning towards. I looked at the highly recommended Filly but by the time you spend the money to get it shipped to Canada and factor in conversion, I'd rather spend a little more for a little bit better strop. Plus, on top of that Fendrihan has a Father's day special where you get 10% any purchase. Thanks again everyone.
    I have been using that strop for years with excellent results. 20 laps on the linen, 30 laps on the leather is all that my razors need. You might need to flatten it depending on the grain. A little Lexol and a bottle or rolling pin and you are in business. Enjoy it and try to resist 'strop envy'.

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