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  1. #31
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tuxedo7 View Post
    Well, Ehsan ... the Pearlduck is a beaut, and I will definitely be keeping it, even after the 3" cordovan arrives. I really like it, and it's perfectly broken in. For funding of future acquisitions, I will probably be selling the others and keeping the Buffalo, New Cordovan, Vintage Cordovan and Linen for a standard rotation.

    Thanks again!
    Hey Vic, the vintage horse strops are hard to beat in terms of feel. Glad you're enjoying the Duck strop. Hopefully it'll serve you well for years to come.

    Now to see about this roo stuff that people are so excited about. I posted this in the SOTD thread, too, but where can I buy a roo strop?

  2. #32
    Still Learning ezpz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    Kanayama cordovan strop.

    I used to like the draw of the Latigo but now I prefer less draw.When using a storp with less draw you don't have the problem of razors closing when you strop. The more draw you have the more I find that less tightly pinned razors tend to close.

    Peening the pivot is not always the answer. Sometimes the pivot pin does not get any tighter, sometimes if you peen it to agressively you'll find that the blade moves off center. With exotic scales materials such as ivory I don't have the guts to peen the pivot pin agressively as you might crack one or both scales.
    I hold the tang rather then the scales wheni strop, so 'closing' is never an issue....
    but i hear the folks who find that too much draw tugs too much and is disconcerting.

    my experience is limited havent tried a variety, but i do enjoy my thick, somewhat stiff, and rather glossy strop that is labeled as shell, whether it is or not. (it has cyrilic text on it which could also be meaningless, and was distributed through the columbus ohio beauty and barber supply store).

    does anyone know how cordovan differs from other shell? i assume my strop is russian shell (and by that i mean russian process, not just russian origin), but have been told that that may not be so.

  3. #33
    Member ofelas's Avatar
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    Vintage shell cordovan without a doubt for me.

  4. #34
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    I have several old and new strops and so far my favourite is the TM horsehide. I don't really like a heavy draw which I find TM Latigo to be. Is there anything in between? Is that English Bridle leather somewhere in there? Is there a way to reduce the draw on Latigo?

  5. #35
    In search of a rising tide nightbreed's Avatar
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    Tony Miller Linen/Latigo followed by Tony Miller Horsehide.

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