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  1. #1
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Default Pastes after Great Stones

    I just got an SRD modular paddle strop, with the .5u diamond paste. My Thuringian came in the same day's mail--embarassment of riches!

    I've never used pastes before, and have had the pleasure to shave off of Charnley Forest and Asagi stones thanks to blades I've bought on the Classifieds.

    I've read of sharpening regimes that go from the hone to a pasted strop, but wonder: Does stropping on paste erase the characteristics of the edge created by a Great Hone?

    Do you have favorite hone/paste combos?

    Thank you!
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  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughkype View Post
    I've read of sharpening regimes that go from the hone to a pasted strop, but wonder: Does stropping on paste erase the characteristics of the edge created by a Great Hone?
    To some extent, yes; though a better way to describe it might be that the pastes "soften" the characteristics of the edge created by the hone.

    You've got to experiment with YOUR hone and YOUR honing method and YOUR shaving method and YOUR shaving taste. Shave off of the hone and then the next day shave off of the paste. Go back and forth and compare the shave. That's the only way to determine what is preferable for you.

    This is a big part of where Lynn's "have fun" advice comes into play!
    Last edited by Utopian; 01-01-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  3. #3
    zib is offline
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    Absolutely, There are lot's variables. Sometimes paste can take the edge to the next level for you, sometimes not. So, like Utopian said, Experiment.
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  4. #4
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    This question has led to a great deal of discussion in the past, so I'm sure you will get a wide range of responses. I routinely use diamond sprayed felt after a high grit finisher with what I consider to be good results. IMO, it refines a good edge. On the other hand some feel that if you use a spray or paste on, for example, an Asagi honed edge that it is no longer an Asagi edge. OK, I can see the logic in that.

    One thing to bear in mind is that when you are evaluating results from CF, Asagi, Shapton 30K, or any of the other high end finishers you are well beyond "what do I need to get a good shave?" It becomes a highly subjective exercise which means that you really need to try it both ways and see which technique gives you what you want. It can also become a perfect example of Diminishing Returns.

    Getting back to your original question I would use your paddle with the knowledge that you are maintaining some great edges and hopefully getting great shaves in the process. As far as favorite combos go, I use a number of finishers, but almost always go to a sprayed strop as the final step.

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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    To me diamond spray, pastes and chrom-ox are an important addition to the straight razor sharpening/finishing arsenal. IME paste on a paddle or hanger will enhance a well honed edge. Chrom ox can smooth out a harsh edge. These things are also good to have in the arsenal to touch up a shaving edge that is beginning to fall off a bit.

    I rarely use them because I am one of those oddballs who is continually challenging himself to see how far he can push the limits with the finishing stones alone. If I ever get to the point where I'm satisfied that I've gone as far as I can go, or where I no longer care to pursue it as a sport, but only to shave my face, I'll probably routinely use the paste after honing to enhance the edge.

    There is a contradiction in my mind to using paste or chrom ox to follow a stone I paid hundreds of dollars for because of it's reputation for being a great finisher. OTOH, these things either deliver the goods or they don't. If the paste makes for a better shave and that is the goal than why not use it ?
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  8. #6
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    It may be that my face is not sensitive enough to notice the subtle differences, but a razor finished on chromium oxide feels the same to me no matter what stone preceded it.

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