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  1. #11
    Senior Member mrbison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    AFDavis / Alan has a vid on here of him stropping it is well worth it to watch, Alan has one of the smoothest stropping motions you will ever see, and he does a great job of showing you how to master "the Flip"
    Where are the videos on SRP? - I can't seem to find them...

  2. #12
    Senior Member takedeadaim's Avatar
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    Default I Agree

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    The edge of the table trick is one I tell many beginners because it works so well...
    Take your time and use that to learn "the Flip" it doesn't much matter what strop you are using you have to learn "the Flip"
    Stropping is very easy, "the Flip" is the hard part to learn, are you getting the hint here yet

    AFDavis / Alan has a vid on here of him stropping it is well worth it to watch, Alan has one of the smoothest stropping motions you will ever see, and he does a great job of showing you how to master "the Flip"

    The absolute best advice to learning to strop is SLOW DOWN...
    Totally agree with everything above, Slower is better than not taking the time to get the razor flat or the flip right. Here is where I found the "simulade" helpful in getting the flip technique and the razor flat without risk of damage to razor or strop.

  3. #13
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    It's a stcky, in red, in the stropping section.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to AFDavis11 For This Useful Post:

    Gibbs (02-14-2011), Gold (02-20-2011), mrbison (02-14-2011)

  5. #14
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    I have seen stops on ebay that are 2" and a few that are 3". What is a minimum size for a good strop? I use (currently) my old leather belt and a latigo, and do not have any problems with the flipping. I sit down and hold my bel on the floor with my right foot and drape the belt up over my right knee and hold it somewhat taunt with my left hand as I stroke up and then do a tight figure 8 (of sorts) and back down on the leater to go back town and back up slighty to reverse and back up the leater again. I have not nicked the belt...ever. I am just unsure as to the best width. It would seem to me that at least 3" would be nice to strop with as it would mostly cover the entire blade. As is, I have to compensate and on the strokes move slightly diagonally so that I end up getting the whole razor blade touched during the stroke.
    ~~ Vern ~~
    I was born with nothing and managed to keep most of it.
    Former Nebraskan. Go Big Red

  6. #15
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Hey Glen!
    Can you provide a link to the stropping Video?

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