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  1. #11
    Junior Member kshort's Avatar
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    Default I get mine from Tandy Leather

    I get Neatsfoot oil from Tandy Leather. They have stores and an online store.
    Just thought I would throw it out there.


  2. #12
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeltFed80 View Post
    I have also been looking for locally supplied Neatsfoot Oil in the Northern Virginia/DC area and have had no luck. The nearest Tractor Supply Co. is about a 45 min drive. I found it on the Sears website, but when I went to Sears, it turned out to be only available online. Any ideas? Also, do Lexol and Neatsfoot provide the same results?
    check out Kroger if you have one there, I got a bottle from the shoe polish section.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Soilarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeltFed80 View Post
    Also, do Lexol and Neatsfoot provide the same results?
    Lexol will darken it more than neatsfoot. I've used it, and my strops never screamed at me. They ARE different, but I used them interchangeably since I didn't care about the color.

    I've learned more about neatsfoot, neatsfoots compound, and lexol since then...and to be honest I don't know what I'll use next time I need to soften a strop up. They are different, but geeez...your eye's start going crossed after awhile. Seems like one of those things that gets to point where you throw your hands up and as you march over and use whatever is closest at hand.

  4. #14
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default neatsfoot

    Most amish shoe and saddle stores have it by the pint and quart. I know most of you dont have lots of amish but anone around central pa knows of at least one or two amish stores.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeltFed80 View Post
    Also, do Lexol and Neatsfoot provide the same results?
    Quote Originally Posted by Soilarch View Post
    Lexol will darken it more than neatsfoot. I've used it, and my strops never screamed at me. They ARE different, but I used them interchangeably since I didn't care about the color.
    Neatsfoot is an oil, and Lexol does carry their version of neatsfoot, and conditioning compound, and cleaner, and mink oil, and... Lexol is a brand name, and a good quality product. I get mine at the local Army Surpus store.

    Any vendor's neatsfoot can 'add color' to the leather, it's part of the pieces personality.
    I wonder why people don't mention Saddle Soap more often, they talk about using shave cream/soap lather...
    Last edited by SkyDiver; 03-02-2011 at 01:04 AM.

  6. #16
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    Default Neetsfoot Oil

    Frank from the UK
    Slightly confused about spelling for Neatsfoot oil, on site,mostly spelt Neets Foot oil (majority)
    If You Google Neetsfoot Oil, You get neem oil from India, Kills every Bug and Pest, known to Man, also good for Leather, Face Cream, etc
    Are these all the same Products,
    In England you get a Litre for $10 of Neats Foot for Horsey use.
    Do I need 1.2 pints in My or The Strops Lifetime


  7. #17
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Neatsfoot oil is a yellow oil rendered and purified from the shin bones and feet of cattle. Neatsfoot oil is used as a conditioning, softening and preservative agent for leather. Also, it is great for restoring bone and horn products.

    Neem oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the fruits and seeds of neem (Azadirachta indica), an evergreen tree which is endemic to the Indian subcontinent. It is primarily used in the costmetic industry.

    They are not interchangeable, and the one you need is the neatsfoot oil. I suppose "for Horsey use" would be fitting

    Good luck!

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