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Thread: Black Latigo?

  1. #1
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    I have the red latigo and love it! I would say its a fine choice...and not a bad idea to get that replacement leather just in I'm pretty sure I can safely say that we've all nicked our first strop

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Curry, I've only used the Premium 1 from SRD, but I think its a good choice for a number of reasons. The two approaches that have a strong case are: 1) buy cheap, you'll brutalize it and 2) spend a little more for one that has reasonable prices on replacement components. I think both approaches are quite reasonable.

    Latigo has a heavy draw. Some don't like this, but opt for another material for reasons I'm not sure are sound. Ease of stroke isn't the objective, a well maintained edge is. A number of experienced users and at least one honemeister, first use a heavy draw strop (such as that latigo or the Illinois series), then a light draw strop such as most of the premium SRDs. I started using an Illinois before the SRD premium 1, and the edges have been noticeably better. So even if you have a latigo and get another one at a future date, the high draw of a latigo could have a strong place in your toolset - using before the lower draw strop of your choice.

    The 3" width. I avoided them, 'cause each one I tried gave issues w/ cupping (longitudinal warp), where leather doesn't stay flat across the width - either edges are raised or the center is raised. I can't speak for the SRD latigo, but the Premium 1 has stayed totally flat, and impressed me alot. If anyone can make a 3" width in Latigo and have it stay flat, I'd bet on the SRD. Plus, if it doesn't, as you say - replacements are reasonable and don't have to be latigo.

    It sounds like you can't go wrong w/ either approach. A beater blade with the edge dulled, would be a great practice tool for learning the stropping. It won't give you the fine detail of the stiction or suction a fine edge develops while stropping, but that will come later. Initially, keeping only enough pressure to have all of the edge remain in contact, and mastering the all-important flip at the end of a stroke is the first objective. The finest thread I've seen on learning was from Glen's 3/11 beginner's tips thread.

    Best of luck w/ your plunge into the best shaves there are.

  3. #3
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    I use latigo all the time. Back when I started latigo was the bees knees, considered a top material. It would be a fine choice for a first, or only, strop.

  4. #4
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I use latigo all the time. Back when I started latigo was the bees knees, considered a top material. It would be a fine choice for a first, or only, strop.
    Me too, One of my first premium strops was a Tony Miller Red Latigo. I still have and use it today. Lot's of draw.

    I never bought a beginner's strop when I started and I did ok, just be careful, and mindful when stropping. Concentration is the key. Practice on an old belt if you have too....
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Durhampiper's Avatar
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    I bought the 3" red latigo for my first strop, and did nick it a couple of times, but it's a great strop. When this one gets too beat up, I'll replace it with another red latigo. I don't think you can go wrong with any strop from SRD--it just boils down to your personal preference.
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  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My view of these things is to buy based on the qualities you like in the strop and by that I mean what tickles your fancy not the razors. They all do the same job if it's a quality strop.
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  7. #7
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I have the 2 inch black latigo which after all kinds of treatment I have turned into the draw monster! I love it and use it first before my horse butt strop. Cant go wrong with latigo!

  8. #8
    Senior Member jerrybyers's Avatar
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    My old strop was a 3" black latigo. It has seen its share of beauty marks.

  9. #9
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    The webbing is a good all around choice for use before the leather. Wool felt is great for diamond or CrOx sprays.

  10. #10
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    Well I got the 3" red latigo with the standard back strop and I have to say I love this strop. It seems to be a little more effective that the beginner strop I started with.

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