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Thread: StarShavingSupplies Latigo Strop

  1. #11
    Bondservant of Jesus coachschaller's Avatar
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    Ryan: Home Page

    It is my only strop, I have the 3" big daddy in Chestnut with the felt backing. Mine has a little bit of a bulge in it (from the natural curve of the animal) so it took a little while to break in. I used a little lanolin every so often plus hand/face oil. It has since softened up and at times gives the best edge. The product and service were great, along with the price. I also purchased a couple of paddle strops for refreshing the edge.

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  3. #12
    I'm...Mr. Solo Dovo Str8RazorSerg's Avatar
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    Have it!! Workmanship is great!! Materials and hardware are second to none!!
    Plus it's made in the USA. I love supporting my fellow countrymen.
    mjhammer and bondpunk like this.

  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have 3 of the big daddy strops. I like them, they're good strops and they're supple and cheap.

    I have been using some horse butt that I cut and put junk strop hardware on, though, because it's a bit abrasive and it stretches out my time between using any powders, stones, etc. If it gets too smooth and loses its ability to abrade, I'll probably go back to the star shaving strops, they have a better feel and a bit more draw.
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  5. #14
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    I'm with DaveW, I have a couple of Star's strops, matter of fact, I've never bought another one anywhere else after I got these. I tried several others, but once I got one of these they went into storage. I have an original blonde that he doesn't seem to sell anymore and a chestnut (oh, all are Big Daddy's).

    My only complaint would be that one day I decided to clean up one of them with some lather (recommended to clean them after mucho use) and some of the lather got onto the felt strop. The felt bubbled where it has absorbed some of the liquid, making it basically useless. I didn't care because I had another, but just a word of warning, don't get the felt wet, it will bulge where the moisture gets absorbed.

    I use Fromm's strop conditioner on mine about once every 2 months, that seems to keep the draw right were I like it, better than just rubbing my hand over it.

    Other than ruining the felt on one, for the price and quality, it can't be beat. I have taken them apart and swapped the felt sides occasionally also, it helps that he uses chicago screws in them. I manage to get the felt mighty dirty looking after 4 or 5 months of use.

    I've purchased many other products from star as well and I've been please with everything I've gotten. specifically his diamond felt paddles and CrOx balsa paddles.


    Last edited by mjhammer; 03-11-2012 at 05:39 AM.
    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

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  7. #15
    Senior Member cflaageriv's Avatar
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    I bought one a couple months ago. I think it's great! I bought the "Big Daddy" too. It replaced one had been using on and off for several years. I found the first one in my garage, maybe Pops or my great grand Pops, don't know. It had been laying around for years and was next to impossible to re-shape and re-condition. So, for about $40 I replaced it with the aforementioned one. The only conditioning I do on it is (preparing myself for the forthcoming abuse) an occasional rubbing across the back of my hound, as he kindly provides me with a little oil for a little bit of draw.
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  8. #16
    Junior Member Artompkins's Avatar
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    So thank to every ones reply to this post. I have been using it now for a little while, and have to say I really like it the quality and ease of use is awesome. I also really like the felt strop. As my wife does a lot of work with wool and felting it is nice to be able to utilize something similar, and anyone that has never used or worked with wool/felt you definitely don't want to get it wet. (it will shrink/ bulge/ become useless). I was surprised as to how much I like the 3" width. I find it easy to use and it is very forgiving for beginners. My strop required a little bit of conditioning; when I got it and started using it it was wrinkling and dry around the top screws, but it came back nicely and is overall now my favorite strop. All-in-all I really like this product and will be buying more. (plus made in the US is a nice addition, for us in/from CONUS) Someone asked for a link, I think this is the link to there entire selection of strops if not you can easily find them from here: Leather Hanging Strops
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  9. #17
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artompkins View Post
    I just purchased a Star Shaving Supplies 3" "Big Daddy" Strop. It looks like a really nice strop. Has anyone had experience with them, or used one of their strops? I haven't actually used it yet (conditioning it) It is a nice piece of leather, with a felt strop as well. The construction is really sturdy and well done.
    I purchased a Big Daddy in genuine cowhide (don't know what "latigo" means) for $35.99 because of the price. The Hatchet Man really did a job on my original one. I get the Star Shaving one so that I could practice stropping before unleashing my destructive powers on a Tony Miller strop and an SRD kangaroo strop.

    The Star Shaving strop is very impressive and without a doubt it's a bargain. Someone stuck with one of these Big Daddies andnothing else for the rest of their lives would not be deprived.

    I would caution you about his recommended care instructions. I sensed they were excessive and some forum members agreed.
    mjhammer and marshman like this.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  10. #18
    Senior Member cflaageriv's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's fine, after all, you need something for your chrox. The only conditioning I use on my "big-daddy" involves an every now and then rub across the back of my hound and then a little massage with my hands.

  11. #19
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    Veeery Interesting.....Vee hav vays of making you ask questions....

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