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Thread: How mny strops have you gone through?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    I've got the SRD Premium I, III and IV (last with premium webbing) as well as their paddle strop. My first strop was a 2" SRD latigo that I PIFed to a buddy at work after I my stropping technique improved to the point where I was no longer nicking the strop. Even then, she only suffered a few cuts before the PIF. I think the paddle strop really helped me to nail down my muscle memory before moving back to the traditional, hanging strops.
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  2. #12
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I have been through so many strops that I can't even count them all. I usually go through them now in about 3-6 months because of all the honing I do. The metal particles simply imbed in them until they are ineffective for me. I have tried sanding and refinishing them with not very good results, so I switch them out now when they quit producting good results. I have gone to stropping 20-30 times on linen before leather after honing to extend the life a little.

    I don't really cut them, but have been known to nick up most of the ones I use.

    Have fun.
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I have been through so many strops that I can't even count them all. I usually go through them now in about 3-6 months because of all the honing I do. The metal particles simply imbed in them until they are ineffective for me. I have tried sanding and refinishing them with not very good results, so I switch them out now when they quit producting good results. I have gone to stropping 20-30 times on linen before leather after honing to extend the life a little.

    I don't really cut them, but have been known to nick up most of the ones I use.

    Have fun.
    Mr Abrams, asking you is simply not fair! After all, you've honed tens of thousands of razors!!

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    First and only strop is a 3 inch English bridle leather one with felt instead of linen. Been using it 4 months and in the beginning nicked it up where my strokes ended before I got the hang flipping the razor after I had reversed direction of travel. Buffed those out with the wife's pumice stone and just carried on. Should be good for years baring any major cuts.


  5. #15
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    It's not so much a matter of "going through strops". I find it more about "aquiring more strops". I have six right now, and each one gets fair play. But...of course, the more the merrier.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    That thread has just a bit of info in there..

    Gotta say thanks to Mark aka Speedster also as his visit to White Boots in Spokane, that and a little work in my shop scored each us a beautiful 3x24 bench strop last week
    His was done with CeOx I still haven't committed mine to a paste yet..
    Last edited by gssixgun; 07-10-2012 at 08:44 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    And, don't forget the 3x24 buffalo leather bench strop you gave me just because. Now I have to figure out what to do with that one.

    I didn't mention all of these additional strops lest someone think I have yet another AD.
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  8. #18
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I have not really "gone through" any. I still have my first strop - it is up in the cupboard wrapped in butcher's paper, and I still have every strop I either acquired or made (minus those I have given away, of course) since then.

    At the moment, I use on a regular basis around 4 strops: a retractable with nice horse shell leather, a home-made that uses soft cow leather I got off a leather "artist" that they use to strop their cutting gear on, an Illinois something or other I got because it had a linen side (don't use the linen side at all after I tried it...), and a double-sided kangaroo strop I made years ago now. The retractable has a few nicks, as does the kangaroo, but surprisingly the others are all intact.

    But that is always the way - our older strops bear the scars of our stropping sins, like little leathery Jesuses.

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  9. #19
    Senior Member justinA's Avatar
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    I bought a SRD 2" latigo strop when I purchased my first razor after hearing I was bound to destroy my first strop and that it was a good place to start. I recently sold it to a friend for 10 dollars who was starting shaving with a straight. Due to the fact that I was scared I would cut it in half I started off very very slow, and the strop only has minor nicks at the ends that I lightly sanded off.

    The only strop I have currently is a 3" red ambrose strop that is duel leather with rows of divets imprinted on one side, the other side is a beautiful silky smooth stropping surface.

    I would like to get a Shell Cordovan sometime...but for now there are many other things I want/need more.

  10. #20
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    The David (aka Earcutter) and strops... just ain't friends lol. I have sliced right through one, nicked every strop or strop substitute I have ever had, and still do dumb stuff to this day!

    Take the other day as an example - I was stropping away and thought to myself wow - look at me go! I think I am stropping faster than the speed of light itself as all i could see was a blur! Surely this would be something to see from a different perspective... From the mirror I could see myself gouge the only strop I have never gouged lol!!

    Heck - I literally cut through a strop once!

    There is no way I am telling how many I have had in the little time I have been using a straight, but let’s just say I have had to replace my strops more frequently than my creams lol!!
    Lynn, gssixgun and chris93cl like this.

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