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Thread: 2" V 3"

  1. #31
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Been thinking about that seal strop:

    I think it would be priceless if some dude up north in Canada got a venture grant from the his/her Government and began manufacturing seal-skin strops.

    Certainly they should be called the Small Paul for the 2", and the Big Paul for the 3"... That's short of course for Paul McCartney!

    Bahahahaha... sorry too much?

    Harp seal hunt a 'stain' on Canada, McCartney says - Canada - CBC News

  2. #32
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    As Lynn pointed out, it's all pretty user-specific. Another endorsement for starting with 2.5" - it's a "medium" size to try out and then decide whether you wanna go bigger or smaller or stay right where you are

    Speaking of sizes, didn't Josh have a really big one (4"?) made for use with that Ellis custom or were we just teasing him about it?

  3. #33
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Been thinking about that seal strop:

    I think it would be priceless if some dude up north in Canada got a venture grant from the his/her Government and began manufacturing seal-skin strops.

    Certainly they should be called the Small Paul for the 2", and the Big Paul for the 3"... That's short of course for Paul McCartney!

    Bahahahaha... sorry too much?

    Harp seal hunt a 'stain' on Canada, McCartney says - Canada - CBC News
    So, a baby seal walks into a club.... <-- ok enough Canadian humor

    Realistically, it would not be such a bad idea Our government regulates the quotas to maintain the population (actually the population has been growing), whitecoats aren't being killed and a huge majority of kills are humane. Those that don't do it humanely, end up in legal hot water. With all that, I'd have zero issues with stropping on seal skin, regardless of what Paris Hilton thinks of me

  4. #34
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I was wondering when somebody would bring up that you don't strop straight up and down on a 3 inch strop same as you don't hone straight up and down on a 3 inch hone.. Anyway to me it doesn't much matter the the width, I am not as fond of smaller than 2 1/2 but anything from 2 1/2 -3 is my sweet spot..

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  6. #35
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I was wondering when somebody would bring up that you don't strop straight up and down on a 3 inch strop same as you don't hone straight up and down on a 3 inch hone.. Anyway to me it doesn't much matter the the width, I am not as fond of smaller than 2 1/2 but anything from 2 1/2 -3 is my sweet spot..
    Glad you brought that up - I thought I might be doing something wrong lol. I don't know if it's because I started out with a little 2X6 stone and a 2" strop or what, but I can't seem to move my blade straight up and down anything LOL!!

    To be serious for a moment though - I really struggled getting the 3". I am not sure why I had so much in trepidation. When I got it, I was intimidated as sin - It just looked so dang large!! Somehow though - the 3" slows me down a bit and feels incredible natural; much more so than the 2" now that I think about it.

    Of course it's a YMMV thing - but it's worth a try!

  7. #36
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    So, a baby seal walks into a club.... <-- ok enough Canadian humor

    Realistically, it would not be such a bad idea Our government regulates the quotas to maintain the population (actually the population has been growing), whitecoats aren't being killed and a huge majority of kills are humane. Those that don't do it humanely, end up in legal hot water. With all that, I'd have zero issues with stropping on seal skin, regardless of what Paris Hilton thinks of me
    Being a carnivore sees me in a kind of schizophrenic state of mind on the whole issue. I guess the bottom line for me is short of extinction, I would be fine with it too.

    It's kind of hard for me to find seal hunting or any kind of hunting a bad thing as I eat my chicken burger... have you seen how those things are grown?

  8. #37
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    2.5 and 3 inches are the best measurements in regards strops perse. In my case I have both a Kanayama and a Tony Moler one 3 inches wide. I can work with both in a perfect way. Now, in my personal opinion less than that is not good. I purchased a Dovo a month or so ago and is 1 3/4 I used ones and that's it is hanging in the wall doing nothing. Not my personal preference.
    Any of those strops either 2.5 or 3 are the best options, in my particular case 3 is better. Less work when stropping better results.

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