I have three strops from Star Shaving that are working well for me .

Leather Hanging Strops

Won't break the bank and well made for the price . Many rave about Tony miller strops ...on my list to try one day .

Good luck ,


Quote Originally Posted by bridger View Post
My nephew is graduating from school in a couple of weeks. He has expressed an interest in straight razor shaving, so I'm thinking to set him up with a decent starter kit.

one of my vintage straights, with new scales and shave ready.
the VDH brush, bowl and soap starter kit
a strop and a standing offer to hone for him, and/or teach him to hone when he is ready to get some stones

my strop is a vintage one I've had for upwards of 20 years. I've made many strops since then for various uses, but never a razor strop. I could buy the hardware and leather, but given the time frame I think I'd rather pick up a ready made one.

did I mention that I'm a cheap bastard.... and a stickler for function?

considering that his interest in straights may not last all that long, and that my budget is pretty limited, I'm looking for a "best bang for the limited buck" type of strop. I see some ridiculously cheap chinese ones on ebay- and I'm guessing that like chinese razors, there are the ones that with a little work can be made into perfectly good users and ones that no amount of working on will produce a functional piece. or maybe some of you can point me to a source of high quality hardware and leather at prices too low to ignore.

I'd also like to have a few "extra" strops to play with- I'd like to try one charged with 100,000 grit diamond, for instance. but for cheap, of course.

so what say you, internet shavers? what is the cheapest best strop out there?