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Thread: advice please: best cheap strop

  1. #1
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    Default advice please: best cheap strop

    My nephew is graduating from school in a couple of weeks. He has expressed an interest in straight razor shaving, so I'm thinking to set him up with a decent starter kit.

    one of my vintage straights, with new scales and shave ready.
    the VDH brush, bowl and soap starter kit
    a strop and a standing offer to hone for him, and/or teach him to hone when he is ready to get some stones

    my strop is a vintage one I've had for upwards of 20 years. I've made many strops since then for various uses, but never a razor strop. I could buy the hardware and leather, but given the time frame I think I'd rather pick up a ready made one.

    did I mention that I'm a cheap bastard.... and a stickler for function?

    considering that his interest in straights may not last all that long, and that my budget is pretty limited, I'm looking for a "best bang for the limited buck" type of strop. I see some ridiculously cheap chinese ones on ebay- and I'm guessing that like chinese razors, there are the ones that with a little work can be made into perfectly good users and ones that no amount of working on will produce a functional piece. or maybe some of you can point me to a source of high quality hardware and leather at prices too low to ignore.

    I'd also like to have a few "extra" strops to play with- I'd like to try one charged with 100,000 grit diamond, for instance. but for cheap, of course.

    so what say you, internet shavers? what is the cheapest best strop out there?


  2. #2
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    How inexspensive are you wanting?
    I find the Illinois to be great bang for the buck.

    Sharpening Supplies - Straight Razor Sharpening
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    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Iasonas's Avatar
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    The whipped dog has some nice inexpensive strops Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment

  4. #4
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I purchased the Illinois 827 for my son’s 18th birthday. It’s a great strop, very functional. I believe that Glen (GSSIXGUN) has been using his for around 30 years, I know that he replaced the linen a year or two ago, but for the money I can’t recommend a better one!!

    With that said, since you have made other strops but not for a straight razor, if or when he cuts the hell out of it, you will have the hardware and a pattern to make another!

    If you don’t know what kind of leather to use, give me a PM and I’ll ask a friend who makes some strops! He’s been around a long time and knows what he’s doing!

    Anyway, check this link out!

    [Barbers & Clippers] Fromm Razor Strop Illinois 827

    Also that vintage razor will need to be honed, again PM me and I’ll give tell you how to get it to my favorite restorer and honer. I do hone my own and I’ve honed several for others, but it’s best to go to one of the best out there so your nephew has a very good idea of what that edge should do and how it should feel!!

    I thank you for getting a young man into a whole new and better world of shaving!
    Last edited by cudarunner; 04-20-2013 at 09:01 PM.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member midloth72's Avatar
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    I have three strops from Star Shaving that are working well for me .

    Leather Hanging Strops

    Won't break the bank and well made for the price . Many rave about Tony miller strops ...on my list to try one day .

    Good luck ,


    Quote Originally Posted by bridger View Post
    My nephew is graduating from school in a couple of weeks. He has expressed an interest in straight razor shaving, so I'm thinking to set him up with a decent starter kit.

    one of my vintage straights, with new scales and shave ready.
    the VDH brush, bowl and soap starter kit
    a strop and a standing offer to hone for him, and/or teach him to hone when he is ready to get some stones

    my strop is a vintage one I've had for upwards of 20 years. I've made many strops since then for various uses, but never a razor strop. I could buy the hardware and leather, but given the time frame I think I'd rather pick up a ready made one.

    did I mention that I'm a cheap bastard.... and a stickler for function?

    considering that his interest in straights may not last all that long, and that my budget is pretty limited, I'm looking for a "best bang for the limited buck" type of strop. I see some ridiculously cheap chinese ones on ebay- and I'm guessing that like chinese razors, there are the ones that with a little work can be made into perfectly good users and ones that no amount of working on will produce a functional piece. or maybe some of you can point me to a source of high quality hardware and leather at prices too low to ignore.

    I'd also like to have a few "extra" strops to play with- I'd like to try one charged with 100,000 grit diamond, for instance. but for cheap, of course.

    so what say you, internet shavers? what is the cheapest best strop out there?


  6. #6
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    I have an Illinios 827, which is an excellent and good looking strop, and you can pick them up cheap on
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  7. #7
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    Another vote for Whipped Dog. I have the double strop, myself.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Whatever you get I would advise at least 2 1/2 wide by 23" or so long. This was the default size of pro barber strops for 100 years and there may have been a good reason for it. The 3" wide strops are also very popular and functional. When you get into 2" they will work. Guys use them and I'll bet some will read this and say how great they are. Nevertheless, the longer and wider strops are easier to use, especially for a new guy. That Illinois 827 would be a good choice IMO.
    Geezer and cudarunner like this.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    cudarunner (04-20-2013)

  10. #9
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Whatever you get I would advise at least 2 1/2 wide by 23" or so long. This was the default size of pro barber strops for 100 years and there may have been a good reason for it. The 3" wide strops are also very popular and functional. When you get into 2" they will work. Guys use them and I'll bet some will read this and say how great they are. Nevertheless, the longer and wider strops are easier to use, especially for a new guy. That Illinois 827 would be a good choice IMO.
    Many Thanks Jimmy!

    Great solid and well thought out counsel as always!!
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  11. #10
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Another vote for the 3" strop. They're easier for a new straight shaver to use.

    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

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