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08-09-2009, 05:39 PM #1
Kenrup Tutorials (dialup users beware)
ok folks, you saw it here first!
At the DFW meetup this weekend our own kenrup took one of fritz's old beat up Wade and Butcher 7/8 meatchoppers and took it all the way from serrated butterknife to shaving jewel! Check out these videos to see how. The commentary is mostly me, but some of the other DFW shavers can be heard, such as spazola, fritz and t-ram.
(note: i'm sorry they are all separated like this, I just installed Windows7 and I don't have any video editing software installed yet)
The second set of videos is kenrup talking about various aspects of stropping. Shavers old and new alike should take note of these, ken's got a highly methodical approach to stropping, along with quite a bit of historical insight. I gaurantee you'll learn something from these.
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 1
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 2
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 3
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 4
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 5
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 6
YouTube - Kenrup Resto Part 7