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Thread: I 'think' this post goes here: Would Like your Opinion

  1. #1
    Senior Member ColonelG's Avatar
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    Default I 'think' this post goes here: Would Like your Opinion

    Hello all,
    I wasn't sure where to post this but it seemed to fit here so here goes.
    The Story
    My brother, who knows I've started shaving with SR's, has asked me about a straight razor he recently picked up. I told him:
    1. My guys (that's all of you) won't do a valuation; Rarity is another matter.
    2. My guys (you again) may be able to say whether or not a restoration is possible.
    3. My guys (man you all are some busy people) might know a little about the brand/type of razor.

    OK, now what I 'think' I've found out from the pics of the razor and by searching the forum:
    1. This is a Swedish razor (Svenskt Diamanstahl??) but is marked Solingen, Germany. From my reading this isn't a big deal but I'm not sure if it is in fact considered a Swedish razor OR one of Solingen fame?
    2. It says Silver Steel, but from my research here there is little chance that silver was actually used in the manufacture.
    3. It looks to me like the engraving symbol on the tang (hallmark??) is that of an eagle holding a crown...either that or it's a buzzard with it's head in a bucket..
    4. I don't see any evidence of cell rot...the scales look to be in good shape.
    5. It looks to me like the heel is smaller than the toe??? Bad honing??

    So that's all I can see that seems to be of note; please forgive me I'm a real newbie here.

    Does this razor seem to be a 'viable' restoration project and is it even worth it??
    Anything anyone can add would be greatly appreciated.

    All the best
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    Last edited by ColonelG; 10-24-2013 at 01:30 PM.
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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Yes... IMHO from the pics I can see

    Depending on how far you want to take said restoration, the Etching on the front of the blade could be lost...

    Many razors use Swedish steel from Germany to the US to Japan, it is considered to be one of the best quality...

    There were many "Special" steels formulas out there


    are just a few off the top of my head, doesn't mean much at all

    Edit: I knew it was here someplace, this is a thread I did sometime ago about the stages of Restore
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-24-2013 at 01:40 PM.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member ColonelG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    Depending on how far you want to take said restoration, the Etching on the front of the blade would be lost...

    Many razors use Swedish steel from Germany to the US to Japan, it is considered to be one of the best quality...
    Thank you for your expert opinion on what the restoration would take AND the clarification on the Swedish steel aspect..
    Now I understand, Swedish steel, German razor. Got it.
    And the center of etching on the blade, is that BEWE?? Is that the manufacturer?
    Last edited by ColonelG; 10-24-2013 at 01:39 PM.
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  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Hopefully one of our resident Historians like Manah or Martin will see this and know the mark

    I don't know it off hand, it could be the Maker or a Distributer, but he has a quality vintage Solingen ground razor and the steel is in very good shape with little to zero hone wear...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 10-24-2013 at 01:45 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    Edit: I knew it was here someplace, this is a thread I did sometime ago about the stages of Restore
    Thanks again.
    So from your guide in the link this razor would best be served by...ahh...Clean and Hone, Clean light polish and hone OR the dreaded Vintage Restoration, keeping in mind he does want to use it. He got away from SR shaving years ago, but wants to get back into it (can't let his little brother outpace him).
    nd to answer what may be the next question, YES, he wants to use
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    Senior Member ColonelG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Hopefully one of our resident Historians like Manah or Martin will see this and know the mark

    I don't know it off hand, it could be the Maker or a Distributer, but he has a quality vintage Solingen ground razor and the steel is in very good shape with little to zero hone wear...

    Thanks Glen.
    Your opinion does carry weight.
    Your time and eye on this offering is greatly appreciated.
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  9. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColonelG View Post
    Thanks again.
    So from your guide in the link this razor would best be served by...ahh...Clean and Hone, Clean light polish and hone OR the dreaded Vintage Restoration, keeping in mind he does want to use it. He got away from SR shaving years ago, but wants to get back into it (can't let his little brother outpace him).
    nd to answer what may be the next question, YES, he wants to use

    That is actually near impossible to answer accurately from the pic, but many will try anyway hehehe

    The problem with Gold etch is that most of it comes off if you look at it crosseyed so it would depend on how the blade responds to a light cleaning, then a decision has to be made as to what is more important to the owner, Perfect clean steel or the Etch

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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    That is actually near impossible to answer accurately from the pic, but many will try anyway hehehe would depend on how the blade responds to a light cleaning, then a decision has to be made as to what is more important to the owner, Perfect clean steel or the Etch
    Fair enough. Thinking about it, there's only so much one can discern from 4 pix.
    The important point I think is that he has a razor that is worth 'fixing' and will serve him well.
    I think (hope) that is the main point that has been made....
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  12. #9
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ColonelG View Post
    ...And the center of etching on the blade, is that BEWE?? Is that the manufacturer?
    Ping Swedish member MrMagnus on this. He might have a good idea on this.
    "We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."

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  14. #10
    Senior Member MrMagnus's Avatar
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    dont know what BEWE stands for, it can be commercial for the company that orderd the razor. its a German razor made in Solingen with swedish "diamond"steel, its made for the swedish market most likely.

    if your planing to try restore it by hand. and want to save the eatching.
    The razor should clean up pretty good. avoid any compunds on the eatching. cover the eatch with tape that has a mild glue, carv the tape so it follows the contours of the eatching. then start sanding the rest of the blade from around 2000grit and work your way up in grit. finish with a compund like autosol, then take off the tape from the etching and very gentely high grit polish off the mist line from where the tape has been and all over the eatching to bring up abit of shine.

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to MrMagnus For This Useful Post:

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