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Thread: Henckels Friodor 8/8 scales

  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Those Pins look more like Torx bolts then peened pins look closely first

    These razors are hard to fit scales too even custom ones are a pain because of the Tangs..

    That is why the "Wedge" is so big

    To do a traditional style set of scales you almost have to use a 3rd pin to get around the Tang..

    Check the pins first then proceed from there,, post better pics of what you find and I will try and talk you through it, honestly I would NOT recommend this razor to anyone for a first set of custom scales..

    You have the Tnag and the overly long heel to contend with on the 8/8, you can see where people have done all sorts of oddball stuff to Generic scales to get them to fit the 8/8 3rd Generation Friodurs
    Blue and Wolfpack34 like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    The horn scales pictured look terrific. I think, however, I might just leave it alone for awhile. It came in a large box and fits fine. It just doesn't fit in my 7 razor box. The razor takes an unreal edge. Almost too sharp. Overall, I like the razor but the odd width is a pain.

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