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Thread: Henckels Friodor 8/8 scales

  1. #1
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    Default Henckels Friodor 8/8 scales

    I have a Friodor 8/8 that currently has wood scales. The problem is they are too wide. The razor won't fit in my razorbox. I am looking for scales of the correct size that are thin. I don't really care about the color although plain black would be fine. Where do I find these? Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    are you trying to source generic scales or Henckels scales.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    Name:  henckel8.jpg
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Size:  37.3 KBI would love Henckels Twinworks scales in the correct size but realize that may be difficult. I would be satisfied with simple, generic scales that are relatively thin.
    Last edited by dcaven; 04-20-2015 at 11:22 PM.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    what if you unbolt them & sand them down to the required thickness?
    or convert to horn maybe as it holds well when very thin
    to shave another day.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That is also my experience is that horn bone and ivory have really good strength very thin. If you wanted a more modern look you could go with g-10 or Micarta. If you are not up for the task there are plenty of guys here that could fix you up. You do not see Henckels scales for sale very often. The only time I get rid of them is of they start having the pions get black because they are gassing off. That is a nice modern Henckels, the last of them actually.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    It can be difficult to find a razor box that will fit a 7/8 and wider razor. It may not be just the scales.

    You razor appears to be a new grind from Henckels Friodur blanks that were sold a few years ago with after market scales. I have two of these, one a Spanish point and the other a square point. Both are 7/8 width. I also have a 17 1/2 Friodur 7/8 with factory scales. The factory razor came in a red plastic box that fits the other two razors. The red plastic box is identical to the red plastic box in which my 5/8 Friodur was acquired. They might also fit the 8/8 width. I have sometimes seen these red plastic boxes being sold on e-Bay.

  7. #7
    JP5 is offline
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    Never seen a 8/8 Henckels. Is the filework original? I really like it. I would probably just do as another member mentioned and sand them down. They are good looking scales.

  8. #8
    Senior Member dcaven's Avatar
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    I am not all that talented with this stuff. I hone all of my razors and do a very good job but it took me forever to get the hang of it. I have never taken the scales off a razor although I have some idea how it is done. I like the idea of keeping the wood scales but having them be about half as wide. The tang on this razor is very wide. With the scales, it is too much.

    Tell me if i'm right on this. I would need a small peening hammer, pins and washers and sand paper. I have a vise with a platform for reinstalling the pins but am not sure how to hold the razor steady to get them off.

  9. #9
    JP5 is offline
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    If you are not comfortable with this type of work, you could always send it to another member to have the work done. By the time you buy the tools/supplies/parts you probably could have paid to have it done professionally.

    I know there are other members that do that kind of work, but gssixgun is the first that comes to mind (I watched one of his videos about repinning on youtube).

    If you decide to do it yourself, you will also need something to cut the pins to size and something to remove the current pins/washers (file, pin vise, or drill).
    Last edited by JP5; 04-23-2015 at 01:47 AM.

  10. #10
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    I have rescaled many of these for although that is not one of my rescales and I have one of my own. Couple things, the Spanish point grind is longer than your average blade. The generic scales you will find online will not fit. They are too short. Even the twinworks scales will not fit that razor. The square and round points are shorter length in the 8/8 and will work, but not the Spanish point. If length is your issue, you are stuck. You are not going to get shorter set of scales that will properly fit that blade if it is pure width, G10 or horn would work, wood would be too thin and break easy. Your pins are not pins, they are micro fasteners. They take real small Allen wrench and you can unscrew them and take it apart.

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    Last edited by cannonfodder; 04-23-2015 at 02:24 AM.

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