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Thread: Broke My Leg

  1. #1
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Default Broke My Leg

    Yup! I broke it!

    I need to put a little background in here: I have several razors here at the Boars Nest to clean up and hone or just hone for some of the guys but I always let those that I do any work for know that I don't do so if I'm;

    Well the workplace left me Stressed and Tired but I thought that I'd head out to my little 'shop' in my one car garage and work on an experimental project just to unwind and learn something.

    Thin 'IT' happened I broke my leg! I'd just ran my project through my table say and had set the center piece down and when I went to pick up the end pieces I bumped the center piece and it dropped to the cement floor and I broke my leg! Damn It! Oh well it was an experiment

    Name:  Broken Bone 001.jpg
Views: 321
Size:  68.4 KB

    Well I'd hoped to make a set of scales out of the bovine leg but looks like I should have lots to make wedges out of or see how different stains work etc!

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    Last edited by cudarunner; 04-21-2015 at 11:54 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Sorry to see that,,,,,,,, maybe there is a way to fashion a "razor stand" out of them

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I would not write it off too quickly. I am sure you will find a use soon enough. Maybe not what you thought it should be to start with. Sometimes these things have their own idea as to what they should be up to.
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  4. #4
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I would not write it off too quickly. I am sure you will find a use soon enough. Maybe not what you thought it should be to start with. Sometimes these things have their own idea as to what they should be up to.
    Well while I was having a couple of Barley Pops I thought that I'd play with a bit of it.

    Here's a piece after a 30 minute soak in fairly strong coffee;

    Name:  Bone-2 001.jpg
Views: 258
Size:  36.2 KB

    I'm thinking of trying some other 'natural' stains like blueberry, raspberry etc just of the Halibut! hehehe
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Maybe try some of the dark berries that are not quite so yummy.
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  6. #6
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Maybe try some of the dark berries that are not quite so yummy.
    Such as?
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  7. #7
    JP5 is offline
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    Where is the foot!?

    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Maybe try some of the dark berries that are not quite so yummy.
    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    Such as?
    Poke berries would probably stain pretty well. You definitely don't want to eat them though!

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Elder berries, and juniper berries are not very eatable, there are a couple others too, Oregon grape, Salal, oh and there is always the debatable concord grape, I have no idea why anyone would eat those!
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  9. #9
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Strong tea works pretty good on bone. Protein stains for leather work does fairly well.

    Should you decide to use leather stains, I suggest rubber gloves. If you get that stuff on your skin, it'll be stained for a while. It doesn't wash off, it has to wear off.

    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Elder berries, and juniper berries are not very eatable, there are a couple others too, Oregon grape, Salal, oh and there is always the debatable concord grape, I have no idea why anyone would eat those!
    Elder berries and poke berries will make it purple.

    Elder berries may not be good to eat, but they sure make good jelly.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member MikekiM's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that your project took an unexpected detour.

    Seeing how much I love cow bone, and aged, stained bone the most, I would love to know how the steps to extract usable blanks for scales from the bone.
    Love new things that look old, and old things, made to look new again!

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