Bog oak! Hmmmmm
Thats gonna look good together.
You say CA finish?
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Hey mike. I did a little something different, maybe you tried it.
But instead of double sided tape, I used elmers glue.
Applied to stir stick, wipe off excess so there is a fine film left, then apply pattern and let dry.
Only takes a couple minutes.Attachment 210005
Was worried the tape might goo up my last blade on my scroll saw.
Sort of related. If I ever get to making scales, my buddy Bob Allman gifted me a piece taken from the USS Constitution during repairs a while back. Very little is original on her, but this piece of Douglas Fir served aboard!
Attachment 210006Attachment 210007
Holy Awesome Historic Piece Batman!!!
That is the coolest! I was thinking how cool it would be to have a piece of a Viking ship, on a big heljestrand.
But yours would be an American classic... what blade?
Oh yes, I intend on saving the collars, but don't know if I'll use them on this one, have something special mind.
Don't think I'll use CA because I want those grain cracks and natural texture.
I wanna join in the at race! been looking through some old razors.................
MikeT, what about Jaws?
Edit...............on second thought nahhhhh, everyone & their grandmother has seen Jaws.
How about the ABYSS