Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
Hello Gent's, Geezer, said what I was eluding to- Check with a local Jeweler/Goldsmith Bruno, and ask them to : "Draw" out a piece wire for your project, most will happily do it and in short order too.

I can cast up what you need as soon as I re-setup my casting machine as it has been moved for remodeling my in house work area. I am just recovering from a botched back operation and subsequent infection that was cut open 3 times to get it out, so, has slowed everything I do way down, but am getting better now. I want to help anyone I can.
Crap, that sounds terrible. Feel better!

@Bruno: That's true that'd be a pain in the butt process, but I am a master at hair-brained ideas and wouldn't be surprised if you were secretly posting this to justify starting gold casting