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Thread: Need help centering the razor

  1. #1
    Member cmsessa's Avatar
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    Default Need help centering the razor

    I tried pinning the razor three times already and I always get the same effect. I tried adding two washers but I ended up in a similar situation. The scales are a bit warped but I doubt that's the problem. Unfortunately, I still don't understand what's the problem and I would appreciate some help.
    Here are some pictures:

    Razor was pinned enough to keep the blade in the air. As you can see there, it will hit the scale:
    Name:  front.jpg
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    Applying some pressure with my fingers to make the razor stay centered:
    Name:  pressure.jpg
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    Both pins:
    Name:  pin1.jpg
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    Name:  pin2.jpg
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    View from the top:
    Name:  top.jpg
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    Name:  pivot.jpg
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    Although I would like to fix this problem I would like to understand how bad is this for the blade. If I am careful opening and closing and applying pressure every day, would it get fixed automagically?

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Did you test the razor while it was out of the scales to see if it was straight ???

    Knowing if it is the razor or the scales that are "off" is the first step

    As of now Boil a pot of water, hold the blade, dip that scales and the Pivot for about 5-10 seconds (Start slow) then twist gently as it cools and see if you can't get it centered

    Looking for the pics to show you how I test them FIRST
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    and here

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  8. #5
    Member cmsessa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Did you test the razor while it was out of the scales to see if it was straight ???

    Knowing if it is the razor or the scales that are "off" is the first step

    As of now Boil a pot of water, hold the blade, dip that scales and the Pivot for about 5-10 seconds (Start slow) then twist gently as it cools and see if you can't get it centered

    Looking for the pics to show you how I test them FIRST
    90% sure the blade is fine. The scales are a bit warped.
    Any reason why you recommend boiling water and twist instead of starting from the scratch?
    Would leaving it like this harm the blade?


  9. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Because it might be that simple

    If not then break it down and start again

    No it will not harm the razor as long as the edge doesn't touch the scales, it usually will at the worst time
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  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    The very first pic, holds the answer to your problem.
    Unpin it, and restraighten the scales. Then make sure the holes line up, and Repin it.

    Your wedge pin is loose, and has let the scales warp. This causes tourqe on the pins, and why everything is out of alignment.
    Last edited by outback; 12-11-2016 at 07:04 AM.

  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Did the razor close centered, before you unpinned it?

    The scales are crooked, bent to the left/back side, (see photo 1), and they are pinned crooked, (see photo 6), it shows the pivot pin is not perpendicular to the scales or blade. The pin is canted forward on the left/back side.

    Photo 2, shows the left scale, is forward of the wedge and the right scale is short of the end of the wedge, by at least an 1/8 inch.

    Additionally, the blade is tapered on the left/back side, the right side is flatter.

    These three things are combining to push the razor tip, to the right/face/stamped side.

    First unpin and straighten the scales, pin the wedge side first, with no glue on the wedge and ensure the pin is straight and the scales are even. Then pin the pivot.

    It may still want to push to the face side, because of the taper on the tang, but you can push the pin, as Glenn said to center, but you should be a lot closer to center to begin with.

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  12. #9
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I have never pinned so take this with a grain of salt. In the pic with the blade up, showing the pivot point, the tang is off center. This being so close to the tang area it makes me think the holes are not lined up. Maybe drill them at an angle just a bit to straighten/line them up and repin? Im just guessing here but if the holes are not perfectly lined up this would happen.
    cmsessa likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Looks like factory scales, so the holes are probably drilled straight.

    They are not aligned, because the wedge pin was not tight, when the pivot was pinned and the scales are warped.

    Look at the scales at the wedge in photo 3.

    The pins are not straight and may be bent. No need to re-drill.
    cmsessa likes this.

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