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Thread: Greaseless polishing compound?

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have some large plastic trays with locking lids that the sausages fit in once they are cut in half. Basically once they are cut I wrap a damp rag around the open end, put it in a large ziplock and then into the tray. Both pieces can fit in the same tray, plus. The trays are approx 9x6x3 ish. There are many sizes out there. I cannot get them locally so when I go to Canada that is one of the things that is always on my shopping list. They are made for food storage but work so well for trying to organize razors and shop spupplies.
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  2. #42
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Even if you use a fast buffer, buffing barehanded, you will know when it starts to get hot. Quench in a cutoff plastic water bottle, at the slightest heat.
    Glad this got mentioned it is very important, especially on the hollow grinds. A cup of water next to your work so you can dip your blade to keep from over heating and ruining the temper. Another reason restorers like the big wedges, more steel to work with.

    BTW have plenty old cotton shirts to wipe the blade each time you move up in grit. I use Brakleen sprayed on old cotton tee's. All good info, good luck be careful. I stood in front of the wheel when applying compound...some things you just have to find out.

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  4. #43
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Thanks gentlemen. This give me an idea of what is needed. I might have containers already that they will fit in.
    Plus, i was thinking of making a stand for the buffer that will fold up. This way i can unfold it in the backyard, bolt or clamp buffer to it and cut down on clean up some. Thinking if the stand had 4 legs and the back legs were angled out more it would give more support against pushing and working on the buffer. Just an idea. I think id rather do this outside.

    Water for cooling, rags with something to cut the mess of the item im working on. Great things to know. Brakeclean i gots lots of and its not too spendy.

    Got my confermation of my order and they say it will be here on my saturday. Nice.
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  5. #44
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    BTW, can someone tell me the sizes of these containers of compounds so i can pick up plastic containers to keep them in?
    Here's a visual aid for you Jerry:

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    I hope that these help.
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  6. #45
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Thanks Roy.
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  7. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have to say I have used work mates for temporary work surfaces for a long time. They do a nice job of hold things, and an easy clamp base made from plywood should be easy.
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  8. #47
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I thought about it more. I have a 3'x4' wood table top that i use in the yard on saw horses when i need to do work in the yard. I sould be able to clamp the buffer to it on a corner easy enough. I also have a stool i use with it so i can get comfy. This should work i think. I need a couple new C clamps anyway.

    This will give me a place to put stuff while working along with a container of water. Oh, and my glass of iced tea. Well, with all the stuff flying maybe no on the ice tea. Ha.
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  9. #48
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    I thought about it more. I have a 3'x4' wood table top that i use in the yard on saw horses when i need to do work in the yard. I sould be able to clamp the buffer to it on a corner easy enough. I also have a stool i use with it so i can get comfy. This should work i think. I need a couple new C clamps anyway.

    This will give me a place to put stuff while working along with a container of water. Oh, and my glass of iced tea. Well, with all the stuff flying maybe no on the ice tea. Ha.
    Have you considered bolting the buffer to say a 3/4" thick piece of plywood that would extend a bit so that securing it with the C-clamps would be quicker and easier? Also the Made By the C. H. Ina C-Vicegrip's that Harbor Freight have swivel pads. I have some and use it when I use my stuffer. They are quick and easy.

    Name:  C-Vicegrip Clamp.jpg
Views: 216
Size:  14.5 KB

    However there are more expensive options out there.

    Also don't forget the Safety Equipment such as Safety Glasses and some kind of Air Filter to keep the crap out of your lungs.
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  10. #49
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I was thinking about a full face shield but hadnt thought about air mask. Maybe some of those throw away paper things that cover your mouth and nose. I got some for when i go up in the attic.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  11. #50
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Got my order in today. With the freezing weather right now I don't think I'll be setting up outside to give it a go. Bummer. Plus this stuff was next to frozen when I got it. I have it sitting in my room now warming up some. I got a couple plastic containers for it but I need a couple more so off to the store in the morning to get this stuff sealed up and put away till next week.

    Thanks all for the help in getting the right stuff. Guess I'll just have to put some sandpaper to this Torrey I got. I tried to remove the scales so I could used them again but, OOPS. Split one side. Guess that give me another project for tomorrow.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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