I realise my query has probably been answered many times already in the Forum but as a newcomer, and with a welter of information to trawl through, I wonder if someone can point me to the appropriate thread/s that might help me.
I recently bought a number of old razors on EBay and a few of them need a serious tidy-up. A couple have broken or damaged scales and being a long-time tinkerer I'm inclined to want to try and replace them (the scales). I'm assuming that it's not sacrilege to perform this refurbishment of 'low cost' vintage razor.
My questions are -
1. Where is the best place to look for replacement scales. And, apart from size and sympathetic matching are there any other things to be aware of?
2. How is the 'pivot' pin usually removed? (Is it punched?)
3. Where do you buy new pins? And how are they installed.

If a video exists, showing all this I'd be grateful to learn of it.
