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Thread: Shop cleanliness

  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default Shop cleanliness

    I am doing this thing I heard about from Nathan Robertson (*), where I tidy up my shop at the end of every day, including the things I am working on and the tools I was using. I started doing that in my forging shop, and managed to keep doing that. And it's proven to be very enjoyable to be able to start work in a clean shop.

    So now I tidied up my inside shop as well, and managed to keep it like that. Every time I stop for the day, I put back everything I was using, neatly store the projects I was working on, clean the benches, and turn out the lights. Granted, to get my shop cleaned up, took quite some work. And whenever I quit work, it takes 10 minutes to quickly tidy up the place.

    I used to be one of those guys with a shop that always looked like an industrial accident in a hardware store, but I've changed my opinion. There is something very satisfying and soothing about starting every day in a clean place, with an empty bench.

    (*) I think it was Nathan who got me on to this, but I could be wrong and I picked it up in a discussion on his FB page.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    Definitly makes work more efficient when tools aren't scattered around and out of place. Unfortuneatly i haven't been able to discipline myself to keep it that way. Working on getting some old cupboards so that everything doesn't need to stay on the work bench.
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  3. #3
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Congrats Bruno.
    I have this type of routine for many many years. Most call it a cleaning obsession. But I find it to be a nice way to live. Everything has a place so put it there when you're done and it will make life better later.
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  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    two things that helped in my shop

    #1 A completely separated room for all the "Dustmakers" ie Sanders, Saws, Lathe

    #2 A ton of Magnetic tool holders I bought when they went on sale at Harbor Freight hehehe basically all my shelves above my work area have a Mag Strip on the front edge where all the tools I use at that station are hanging

    I hate sweeping
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  5. #5
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    I guess I'm in between.
    I keep my tools and work areas neat, orderly and clean
    If I am in the middle of a project that takes a few days, I don't put the tools and materials away or clean up until I'm finished.

    Pete <:-}
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  6. #6
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by petercp4e View Post
    I guess I'm in between.
    I keep my tools and work areas neat, orderly and clean
    If I am in the middle of a project that takes a few days, I don't put the tools and materials away or clean up until I'm finished.

    Pete <:-}
    I agree if the job takes a day or two.

    My trouble comes when I might not get back to that project "for a while".
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  7. #7
    32t is offline
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    How many unfinished projects/ideas sit on my desk?

    Another new years resolution! LOL
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Everything back in its place before I can shut down
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    More like controlled, chaos. Everything has its place, and goes back when I'm done for the day.

    The honing and work bench
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    I go through phases with this, particularly in my service van. I get it cleaned to where you could eat off the floor and benches except for the brass filing which are like feathers at a chicken farm: you'll never be rid of them no matter what you do. What will happen toe is I will have a major project with out of the ordinary parts or tools need and/or one that runs really late in the day or puts me behind schedule. As a result things get tossed back in and that is the fall from grace so to speak. Then starts the.cycle of chaos until I have time to pick it up and shake it over a dumpster.
    On a side note, years ago a friend and I were working on cars (in my hotrod days) at the end of the day we were putting up tools and he asked me, "don't you clean your tools before you put them away?" I never had before but his logic, which makes perfect sense is that the next time you use them you get dirty before you even touch the car. Now, before closing the toolbox lid, all tools have been wiped down with a rag and, if necessary sprayed first with degreaser. He also taught me to degrease a nasty engine compartment before working on it for the same reason. It keeps you from looking like a grease monkey.
    This seems like simple logic but you wouldn't believe how many people I have shared this with acted as though they had never heard or thought of the idea. Some acted like I was crazy.
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