Hey folks, just wanted to share with you my first couple of attempts at restoration. Any input would be welcome.
The first had a lot of rust. I soaked it in vinegar for about 30 minutes, and it did the trick, unfortunately it also took the printing/etching off. The shoulder says "Diamond'r" I think. So I sanded it with 120 grit to take the last of the rust off, then went up in grits to 3000 grit (don't have an updated pic) . Next will be 6000 then 8000. Still some patina, which I don't mind.

The second blade is by Joseph Rodgers and Sons "Official cutlers to their majesties". It's also my first wedge. All I've done to is so far is soak it in vinegar, brush it down, and sand it to 120grit.
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