Compound Report:

I wanted to see if the white and red compounds could remove the scratches left by 2000 grit sandpaper. The white is more coarse, so I used it first. It did a good job of removing any sign of the 2000 grit sandpaper on the bottom half of the razor (from the mid-point of the razor to the edge), but because of the hollow of the razor, the top half of the razr (the area of the razor just beneath the spine to the middle of the razor) didn't get as much contact/pressure/friction as the bottom half, so there is still some sign of the 2000 grit sandpaper in this area. I tried holding the razor vertically against the wheel, but I don't know how much it helped. Then I used the red rouge.

The final result of using a progression of sandpaper through 2000 grit and then white end red compound is that it left the razor very good, almost perfect, except the top half of the razor still has slightly visible signs of the 2000 grit sandpaper-which are only visible in right light at the right angle.

I think that maybe a tripoli compound might help with the imperfection just described, and I am pretty sure micro-mesh would solve it, but the razor is almost perfect, you wouldn't even notice unless you really inspected it, and I don't feel like getting all OCD about it at this time.