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  1. #1
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Default Suffering for our art. WARNING: May contain gorey images

    I start this thread out of interest. I am currently in the process of restoring a wedge but i'm a newbie to restoration and as such have ended up having an accident. The razor slipped from my grasp and cut my index finger about an inch long. Wouldn't stop bleeding for 15 mins. Will post photo when I get my camera.

    But thing is, I surely cant be the only one to have hurt myself in the pursuit of restoration. Am I?

    Come on, post your pics and show us your injuries....
    Last edited by sidneykidney; 07-27-2008 at 12:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member floppyshoes's Avatar
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    Razor restauration related oopsies:

    -1 shard in the thigh from a full hollow with a hidden crack that exploded on the buffer.

    -Burns and blisters: a dozen or so. Mostly from friction related heat.

    -Psychosis: love for all things shiney. Incurable

  3. #3
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I was handsanding very hard and very fast and my left hand lost grip of the razor but for a moment and my other hand was of course still going hard at it and slammed the razor's edge into my thumb under the joint. I was lucky that it jammed me in a perpendicular motion. It looked like it should have been very nasty, but it wasn't deep at all and only bled for about 45 seconds. An inch long cut

    That was about two months ago, there is no scar

    Now on the rare occasion that I sand, I use gloves
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  4. #4
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    Can't say that I have any resto's that haven't tasted my blood. Usually when I get to 800# or higherm is when my thumb slides along the blade.
    I would say its all part of learning, but I never seem to learn.

  5. #5
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    So here it is...

    Its been a day now, so some of the cut has healed. This pic also only shows some of the cut as the cut did extend further. It has since healed. The coin is in the picture for perspective, it is a UK £1 coin, and the cut itself was when first made about 3cm (1 inch-ish) long.

    Its now only 2cm long.

    But you guys must have better cuts than this to show me.

  6. #6
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    That's it!? that's just a scratch LOL.
    I'm not in the habit of taking photo's of my cuts so can't show you any of mine. I was just looking at my hand too, and I have no scars from razor accisdents which is rather odd, with the number I have had, and how deep and often in the same place, or better yet sometimes a cut on a cut.

    Quote Originally Posted by sidneykidney View Post
    So here it is...

    Its been a day now, so some of the cut has healed. This pic also only shows some of the cut as the cut did extend further. It has since healed. The coin is in the picture for perspective, it is a UK £1 coin, and the cut itself was when first made about 3cm (1 inch-ish) long.

    Its now only 2cm long.

    But you guys must have better cuts than this to show me.

  7. #7
    Certified madman cako72's Avatar
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    BLACK KNIGHT: 'Tis but a scratch. ARTHUR: A scratch? Your arm's off! BLACK KNIGHT: No, it isn't. ARTHUR: Well, what's that, then? BLACK KNIGHT: I've had worse. ARTHUR: You liar!

    Sorrysorry, just couldn't resist!!!!!

  8. #8
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Its just a flesh wound.....

    I'll bite your legs off!!

  9. #9
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    I keep a big first aid kit handy all the time and use it all the time. I keep an assortment of cuts, burns and abrasions healing at all times. The most painful injuiries usually involve high speed 80 grit sanding belts and fingers that aren't as long as they used to be.

  10. #10
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    I got a cut on my thumb a week ago whilst hand sanding. I'll link a picture instead of posting as some may not want to see it, this was taken three days after :


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