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  1. #11
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    I just looked at the website and thought they were two different products.

    Maas has a website that you can order from, so no need to go hunting through antique stores.
    MAAS Products

    So I'll order one of there cleaning kits and try it out.

  2. #12
    Just a wanderer on this journey mkevenson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatesy View Post
    I just looked at the website and thought they were two different products.

    Maas has a website that you can order from, so no need to go hunting through antique stores.
    MAAS Products

    So I'll order one of there cleaning kits and try it out.
    The 4oz Maas cream will do a lot of razors. You really don't use much per job. You can use any cotton wash cloth or small towell that you have. They will turn black when you rub the Maas off. Good luck

  3. #13
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    I was recently cleaning up an antique store razor with this problem. I used mothers mag polish on a q-tip and it seemed to work fine. I took off some of the cotton to get it to fit, and also used the stick the cotton is attached to some. The q-tip stick thingy used to be alot more useful for this sort of thing, it was stiff rolled up paper you could get into cracks and clean stuff up really well. Now its hard plastic. I'd guess lollipop sticks would do a good job, if they're still made of paper... and you can find them w/o having to buy lots of lollipops...

  4. #14
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    Maas metal polish has worked wonders for me, especially with floss and/or toothbrush.

  5. #15
    MacDaddy Bronco's Avatar
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    I've used Maas, Flitz and Wenol with good results. Sometimes I'll use a Q-tip, tear off some of the cotton and it fits between the scales and the tang. I've even used dental floss to get in even closer.
    Last edited by Bronco; 02-28-2009 at 10:49 AM. Reason: sp

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